Fame and Fortune for NFT Artists with Charged Particles

Ben Lakoff
Charged Particles
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2020

We’re looking to work with a select group of NFT (Particle) Artists for the launch of Charged Particles in late November.

We want to help the world know more about your artwork.

What is “Charged Particles”?

A unique combination of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

On our app, users can easily mint/create NFTs, or “Particles.” Users are then able to “Energize” these particles and deposit a primary asset such as DAI into their Particles.

That primary asset (e.g. DAI) is then converted to the corresponding yielding asset (e.g. aDAI) automatically upon deposit. Principal and interest from the deposit asset is then “locked” into the Particle. The amount of interest earned from the token represents the amount of “Charge” that the particle has amassed. You have created a “Charged Particle.”

These Charged Particles are standard, non-custodial NFTs, held in your wallet — yours to trade, transfer, sell, etc. just like any other NFT — but with intrinsic (growing) value over time.

The interest generated is fully programmable, creating endless opportunities for creativity.

Be a pioneer and one of the exclusive creators (at first) for this brand new asset class.

What we’re looking for?

The Charged Particles Protocol goes live in late November.

We’re looking for Creatives to create the first NFTs, or “Particles”, that will be available for users on our platform to “energize.”

Users will also be able to mint their own Particles easily using our Minting Station, but for those users that just want to Energize a Particle — we want to offer them an option to more easily do so.

In next versions of the Charged Particles Protocol, users will be able to energize nearly any NFT — but for the first version you can only energize particles created at our Minting Station.

Particles created at our Minting Station are standard, non-custodial NFTs, held in your wallet — fully transferable and able to trade, transfer, sell — . just like any other NFT.

These Particles can still be sold on marketplaces like Rarible or OpenSea. The key difference is that they are able to be energized, allowing users the ability to deposit DAI/USDT into them and give them an intrinsic (and growing!) value.

What sort of artwork are we looking for? Anything unique, that users will want to deposit a lot of value into. Here are some fun ideas to get your started.

  • Financial Artwork — We’re going live with Aave aTokens. Any artwork blending these assets would be really cool. Imagine a Chainlink-inspired piece of artwork that is sold as a scarce Charged Particle loaded up with 10K aLINK earning me interest as I HODL it. Any aToken is possible.
  • Charged Particle-Themed Artwork — You’ve seen our brand. Get creative. We’d love to load these up with our native governance token.

Ultimately, we’re looking for unique content. We’re flexible and want to give our Users plenty of options to buy existing Particles if they don’t want to create their own.

These Particles (NFTs) will only be MINTED/CREATED on our platform, they can still be sold on any other platform that sells NFTs, e.g. OpenSea.

Why work with Charged Particles?

There are many reasons why you might be interested in becoming one of the early particle creators with us.

In short, “Charged Particles” are a completely new asset class. You are helping build the foundational layers.

Imagine being the artist that created the Particle that was energized and amassed millions of dollars in value. The potential is there.

In addition to the (nearly guaranteed 😉) fame and fortune associated with creating these first viral, valuable Charged Particles, creatives are able seed the initial principle (energize) their NFT and dictate the terms of the Particle. Want it always to retain a value? Want a portion of the interest to always go back to you (the creator, e.g. artist royalties)? You’re in Charge.

How to get involved?

Easy. Follow the steps and we’ll be in touch.

  1. Social — Clap for this article on Medium
  2. Social — Grab a recent tweet, and retweet it.
  3. Join our Discord & join the #art channel
  4. In Discord — Post an example of your favorite artwork
  5. We’ll be in touch!

Find out More

We are moving at a rapid pace, so we encourage everyone to join our Discord for the latest updates or follow us on Twitter.

