Choosing Joy

Charlene Proctor
Charlene Proctor
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2018

I love writing books but lately I’ve been dancing a lot to show people that you have to live your joy. It’s not enough to make a checklist on how you think you might lead a more joyful life. You also have to make a decision to do it, and claim what is yours by taking action. Have an open heart, a positive attitude, and believe in what you can do! Quit analyzing and go for it!

Once you are committed, you must demonstrate to The Universe that joy is a conscious choice. No matter what the activity, be fully present. Joy and love are the highest vibrations. In this lifetime, it is what we are here to express.

Pushing Joy Aside

Women are terrific at serving others and creating strong connections in businesses and families. But they tend to put joy aside in favor of making certain everyone’s needs are met but their own. Additionally, dwelling in the past is the #1 joy inhibitor. Regularly revisiting old traumas and negative emotions and experiences prevents personal growth because it occupies a lot of space and time in the present. Dwelling on the past makes for unconscious participation in life. It is not a healthy place to be, emotionally and mentally, and prevents our spiritual growth.

To create a joyful and authentic life, release the past. Honor what you love to do. Your work, income stream, art, activities, exercise, family time, relationships, or any way you spend your time is an expression of your deeper self. If you feel empty, or reliving old circumstances in your mind instead of focusing of the present, find the courage to put the past aside and dedicate time to yourself. See yourself as a wiser and more loving person because of your past experiences. Personal growth allows you to appreciate and love yourself more fully.

Start to question how you spend your time. Ask: what brings you joy? Make a list. How much time do you currently spend on any items on your Joy List? Begin to move out pieces that do not nurture you, or give you any sense of accomplishment. What are you doing that gives you feelings of anxiety or dread? What people or situations do you need to prune? How much time do you spend trying to change other people’s behavior when you need to change the way you react? When you work on developing joy in your daily experiences and find a sense of harmony within yourself first, you will attract more joy.

There are three ways to get closer to experiencing joy that Katana Abbot and I talked about on Smart Women Talk Radio:

1. A sign of personal growth is releasing the past and focusing on what you can accomplish today. Practice life as a joyful exercise in the present moment. You’ll be glad you did.

2. Spirituality is how much joy you have in your life. You will feel rejuvenated, more connected to The One Infinite Creator, be more engaged, inspiring, and creatively productive when you focus on joy.

3. You can create your life. It takes clarity and passion. Have a consistent mental equivalent of what you want to be or experience, and choose wisely. Everything corresponds energetically to the mental equivalent you hold. If you want prosperity, then feel what it is like to be abundant and prosperous. If you want a loving relationship, then be lovable, project loving thoughts, and share love readily. Like attracts like, and the more you focus on joy, the more you will cultivate joy in all corners of your life.

Dr. Charlene Proctor is an ordained Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking, and a Deeksha facilitator trained by the Oneness guides from Fiji and India. She is the best-selling author of Let Your Goddess Grow! 7 Spiritual Lessons on Female Power and Positive Thinking, and The Women’s Book of Empowerment: 323 Affirmations That Change Everyday Problems Into Moments of Potential. The Oneness Gospel won a USA Book Award Best New Spirituality book and was a Nautilus Award for its contribution to global awakening and interfaith approach to seeking truth. Her Midwestern sensibility and spiritual approach to self-empowerment has helped thousands awaken to their Divine magnificence within.

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Charlene Proctor
Charlene Proctor

Dr. Charlene Proctor is an ordained minister and self-help author. A frequent media guest, she teaches how to search within to create a personal journey to joy.