Jewish Studies scholars declare BDS Kosher

Charles Moscowitz
Charles Moscowitz
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2021

Over 200 Jewish scholars have signed a so-called Jerusalem Declaration which excludes the BDS movement, which is an international leftist movement to boycott the State of Israel, as inherently anti-Semitic.

Many of the same scholars who signed on to this re-definition of anti-Semitism had previously signed a full-page ad which ran in the New York Times opposing the moving of the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

I would suggest that the same idea that gives a pass to BDS, an organized and concertized attempt to boycott Israel, is one that historically involved Jews looking the other way when the Nazi regime began to pass special regulations boycotting Jewish businesses in Germany in the 1930’s.

What is their motive for this moral blindness? After all, its one thing to criticize Israeli policies, as I have done from time to time, but its an entirely different matter to tacitly support a genocidal agenda that seeks to weaken and de-legitimize Israel.

Their motive is simple and it is based upon intersectionality. In order to remain within the big international leftist tent, they must pay homage to the anti-Israel movement that serves as a central component of international leftism. For this reason they must sell out their scruples, assuming they have any, and I don’t make such an assumption, in order to be allowed to remain in the movement. After all, leftist Jewish groups have already been denied entry in an increasing number of leftist events.

Indeed, the good leftist must place their political faith and way of life over all else as has been proven time and again, morality be damned. Thus, anything can be re-defined in the interest of the great and glorious cause. As Stalin was purported to have said, or was it Lenin, or Hitler, or some other socialist leader of the moment: You have to crack a few eggs to make an omelet.



Charles Moscowitz
Charles Moscowitz

Author and podcaster Charles Moscowitz streams live Monday -Friday 3 PM ET.