Skills Millennial Should Have in the Era of Accelerating Change

When having the skills and degree doesn’t guarantee your success.

CK Journal
3 min readJul 7, 2018


World is rapidly changing in accelerating phase. The skills you acquired last year might not be relevant anymore in the future. Welcome to the industrial revolution 4.0.

At this moment, numbers of inventions, startups, and technologies are being invented, founded, and created. All for the purpose of supporting humankind to perform a higher quality work. But this come with a cost. For every new technologies invented, it can replace works needing numbers of workers. For every startups founded, it might take over big incumbent businesses one day. The old mindset of learning a skill to get hired might not be relevant anymore if one day you will be replaced.

As a computer scientist which studies about the up-to-date technologies, I should be safe right? Not quite. Being in Computer Scientist, the things that you learn 1 year ago might not be relevant anymore in 2–3 years in the future. So you need to keep learning new things even when you have graduated from university and are now working.

So even having the cutting edge skill, it will also soon be outdated. So the real question is “What are three things every millennial need to have in order to survive in the upcoming era?”

  1. Grit, perseverance to continue regardless failures faced

What is Grit? The term might be foreign to most of us. I just knew it less than 6 months ago and I decided to share it here.

Grit is the determination of keep pursuing what you want regardless the failure you get until you reach the goal. This is the spirit that only successful people possess.

With grit, you won’t give up easily. You will have the ability to adapt far more superior than other. You are full aware that you are in control of everything happening to you. When you fail, you have the control to get back up or surrender.

To understand more about grit watch a very insightful 6-min ted talk below.

2. Agility

Agility is the ability to keep learning something new every time. In the era of accelerating change, every seconds terabytes of new information flood the net. Individuals need to be able to filter through what relevant to them and learn it.

What do we need to learn? Anything that excites you! It could be learning new languages, cooking, new sports, new hobby, drawings, anything.

Two seemingly unrelated skill could somehow connect to create a unique invention that no one has ever thought of! An architect who loves to learn about termites build a green building which cools itself inspired from termites mounds. That would not have happened if he only studies architecture. The architecture marvel is now a landmark for green building all over the world.

3. Learn to express yourself

The art of expressing yourself is not easy. It is an art. Me myself was quite reserved when I was a child. I had a problem in expressing what I have in mind. Sometimes what came out from my lips is different from my intention. There are several ways to express yourselves. It doesn’t need to be from your lips. It could be from song, text, poetry, paintings, etc.

Learning to express yourself is important. Not everyone could guess what’s on your mind. If you want to go far in life, you should express your dream and goals to other. Keeping it to yourself, your dream goes no where.



CK Journal

Passionate in Technology, Education, and Travelling. Sharing Thoughts through words.