Imagining the Future Education System

CK Journal
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2017

We all have been there. A place with tables and chairs organised in rows facing a whiteboard where a person standing nearby utters information to the brains of 30 students or so. This is our current education system and it has always been this way since more than 100 years ago.

Problems with the current education system

The world is changing. With the rising demand from the society. Our future generations are in demand of becoming better at a lot of things. Yet the way they were educated still persists.

We have around 30 students in a room. All with their own unique interest, ability, and perspective. Yet the ways we deliver the content to them are homogeneous. A student might found a lecture to be too fast while others might think that it is too slow for them.

In today’s society, excelling in academic won’t guarantee you success. You also have to be good in other aspects like team-playing, public speaking, self-esteem, learnability, problem-solving, and ingenuity. All of which school neglected. Students are left to discover it for them self. Those realising it will prosper while those who don’t will be lost.

The current education system is too narrow to fit the vast majority of students living today. Students are born with their very own unique ability that needs to be discovered. The limited scope of education will lead them into thinking that it is just so little for them to be excel at.

Rethinking Education

Humans are born curious. They love to explore and found a lot of things amusing. If fed properly they could develop a wanderer behaviour searching for answers.

Imagine going back to your child self where you still have a mind full of curiosity wanting to know a lot about the world. What if you were given the ability to decide what you want to learn and know. It could be any of your interest. You can also find other people, not necessarily the same age, who share the same interest with you who are willing to discuss and share about various topics. That is the type of education system we should have.

The solution is simple.

Learning space.

It is more than just a space where people can come together to discuss all the things they are interested in with support of resources. It’s a culture where sharing is the core. The space is comfortable for people to collaborate. There are book collections just like the one you will find in libraries. Not only open space, there is also studios, music chamber, kitchen, learning pod, relax area, games room, seminar room, music room, garden, and also fields for sports. All the things that could support their exploration.
I will do a more thorough description of this learning space in my next writing. Stay Tuned.



CK Journal

Passionate in Technology, Education, and Travelling. Sharing Thoughts through words.