Learning Space: The New Classroom

CK Journal
Published in
4 min readDec 16, 2017
A space that invites exploration and creative thinking.

With the demand for the future generations to think out of the box we need to take learners out of the classroom.

Let me guide to through a futuristic study space that ought to replace the traditional ‘box’ that we all have to go through in Education.

Place to collaborate, share, and discuss about ideas

An open space where learners can explore all the things that interest them. It also allows them to discuss among each other about an intriguing topic that will generate the next big idea. There will also be passionate educators who will feed all their curiosity.

Learning Pod

A smaller space where learners can study with smaller group or individually for a more focus session. Equipped with projector or tv and board.

All the tools you need

3D Printers, Computers, Lego, tools, robotic kits, playdoh, ECB, and all other tools that can turn ideas into real work. The tools will assist the learners to create and invent new stuffs.

Workshop studios

A room for a regular workshops event. There will always be something interesting to learn everyday. Learners will be able to join workshops of their interests. The workshop could be programming, cooking, painting, writing, singing, dancing, and many more.

Plenary Theatre

A multipurpose hall to hold big events like TEDx, speakers series, video screening, keynotes, or product launching by the learners.


Learners could also spend some times creating their own unique dishes together with the others. The kitchen is equipped with all the tools needed to cook simple dishes to complicated one. Even baking cake is possible here.


Of course learners need something to feed their mind. Books, resources, journals, ebook, articles, audiobooks, videos, etc are available as well.

Music room

A vacuum room where musicians can learn and play all the instruments.


Using up all their juice for learning must be very tiring. Here they will replenish their energy. The food provided are restricted to nutritious food only to ensure all of them have the best nutritions for their brain.

Outdoor spaces

Not only indoor, learners would be able to explore outside world. Some learners might prefer an open fresh air to let their imagination flows.


Young learners could also play in their own space. Exploring the best of outdoor activities.


Learners could take a fresh break walking through a beautiful garden.


Fields for outdoor sports. Not only brain, learners need to train their muscle to stay fit and on top of their game.

Dance Studio

Dedicated space for dancers to express their movement.

Well I have exhausted all the things that I could think of to make a great study space. It would be awesome to have all of the facilities in one building. A passionate learner could spend all of his/her day here.


There is also a room to learn martial arts like Muay Thai, Jujitsu, Boxing, Wushu, Wing Chun, etc.



CK Journal

Passionate in Technology, Education, and Travelling. Sharing Thoughts through words.