The way Charmeleo tackle the user needed with Squarrel.

Dion Edo Fananie
Charmeleo Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2015


This November Charmeleo publish the second icon pack “Squarrel”. After Producing Kent Icon Pack two month ago, consisting of a unique shape from the other pack available and a combination of Material Design , Hexagonal shape and little glare effect. The consistency in dicipline design coupled with more than one hundred color make it feast for the eyes. Kent has surpassed 10.000 download and still growing. Now Charmeleo has quickly moved to the discover the next breakthrough. This second product has more direction at caring for the user, focus on the average user and matching their unmet need. Fill the missing void that so many of us have forgoten. So close, yet so far away. The real reason behind the name Squarrel itself? It is in line with the Charmeleo team purpose and goal of elevating design to elation. Let us begin with why.

Why Charmeleo more focuses on user feelings and emotions?

In order to better understand our users, Charmeleo has done their own study: 65% of charmeleo users rarely get time off, 24% never do, and only a meager 6% recieve regular time off.

The Charmeleo User realize an enthusiasm for design and creative ways to obliterate the boredom we all face in this mundane lives. Charmeleo has provided the boredom sidekick in kent Icon pack before which has make their homescreen more alive. yet there are still more problems. life is stressful, most people don’t have the luxury of wandering in nature to relax and detoxify from their stress The circumtances condition user face so that nervous and worried. In order to better understand our users, Charmeleo has done their own study: 65% of charmeleo users rarely get time off, 24% never do, and only a meager 6% recieve regular time off. This is one of the reason behind charmeleo’s vision with squarrel. we have given a lot of effort and mindfulness in reducing our user’s stress and relaxing the mind in this latest release.

Squarrel Icon Pack — Nature Based

How Squarrel Makes the Users Feel Less Stressed ?

What kind of things which Charmeleo propose on Squarrel icon pack to achieve relaxation in the user? Color, Shape, skeuomorphism is the main ingridients in Squarrel. Calm color references to Nature. We believe spirit come from nature, the place that human can never resist. Charmeleo try to present the nature in front of the user when they use Squarrel. To deliver the actual feel of nature, The blue sky, The crunchy color of leaves, The vibrant sunset, The mystical dawn, The morning bird chimes, The splash of waterfall and so on. Users like to come back to nature with Squarrel. Squarrel will make the users lost in nature for a while, their homescreen becoming the place most relaxing. The user can live the day feeling motivated, positive, and at ease.

Squarrel in the middle office hour — Kenneth

Thank you for reading. Try the icon pack and rate it on Google play now.

Here is the link:

