Alpha Vaults v2 is Live!

4 min readJul 13, 2023


Alpha Vaults is the easiest way to provide and manage liquidity

The highlights

  • Create your own vault to manage the liquidity in ANY Uniswap v3 pool
  • Unlimited supply of vaults
  • Cheap, high performing, and permissionless
  • Everything is on-chain, open, and transparent
  • No security incidences ever, for 2+ years
  • Available on Mainnet, Arbitrium, Optimism, and Polygon

See the docs for further details.

How to use Alpha Vaults

To provide liquidity:

  • Click on a vault.
  • Read the Vault Information and Performance charts
  • Deposit when ready:
  • Withdraw at any time:

To manage your own vault

  • Press Create Vault:
  • Enter an Uniswap V3 pool address:
  • Pick a Strategy category

See the docs for Guidance, and the Track Record for some examples and historical performances.

Read the description above to ensure you understand what the vault will do.

  • Click Create Vault to send a transaction to create the vault:
  • Click Vault Parameters to edit the Vault:

or to change the strategy:

The track record provide examples of how the strategy can be changed to achieve different outcomes.

  • Press Create Vault to send the transaction to create the vault:

When the transaction confirms, you will get a welcome screen confirming the vault was created:

  • Click Next Steps to find out what you can do now with you vault!
  • Click View Your Vault to see your vault — it’s now ready to accept deposits:

After creating a vault

  • Connect your wallet, and click on MyVaults in the home page to access all your vaults:

To edit your vault or change the strategy:

  • Click Edit Vault from the home page:
  • or click Manage from your vault’s page
  • The edit vaults section of the docs contain further details.

There you have it, you now your own fully functioning LP vault that lives 24/7 on the blockchain! It has everything you need to earn yields, increase liquidity, earn manager fees, track performance, and much more….

Further information can be found in Alpha Vaults’s User Guides for providing liquidity and managing liquidity.

Let us know in our community (see below) if you have any questions.

See you soon!

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