Golden Rule Day: World Interfaith Harmony Week

Charter for Compassion
2 min readFeb 1, 2017


In a webinar today, we heard from Karen Armstrong, Krista Tippett and The Interfaith Amigos — Rabbi Ted Falcon, Imam Jamal Rahman and Pastor Don McKenzie on the concept of The Golden Rule.

Karen Armstrong: Compassion into Action

When Karen Armstrong visited Vancouver, BC, (link) for 12 Days of Compassion, she brought with her a very powerful message: we all have the tools to make this world a more compassionate place. Share your thoughts on sainthood, suffering, compassionate conversation in the comments below.

Krista Tippett: Reconnecting with Compassion

The term “compassion” — typically reserved for the saintly or the sappy — has fallen out of touch with reality. At a special TEDPrize@UN (link), journalist Krista Tippett deconstructs the meaning of compassion through several moving stories. Please post your thoughts about “repairing the world” and being a “genius in the art of living.” What do you think about defining compassion as a “spiritual technology”?

Interfaith Amigos: Compassion and the Interfaith Dialogue

Pastor Don Mackenzie, Rabbi Ted Falcon and Imam Jamal Rahman-now known as the Interfaith Amigos-started working together after 9/11. Since then, they have brought their unique blend of spiritual wisdom and humor to audiences in the US, Canada, Israel-Palestine and Japan. What did you think about the five stages of interfaith dialog (link) they discussed? Reaching beyond distrust and suspicion by sharing stories, gaining an appreciative understanding of others’ core teachings, understanding aspects of our faith that are consistent with and are inconsistent with core teachings, a willingness to enter into more difficult conversations, and to celebrate and experience spiritual practices from other traditions. How do we respond to our traditions’ claims of exclusivity?

Learn more about the series here.

Join Team Charter for Compassion through the World Interfaith Harmony Week and report your actions of interfaith, peace, and compassion on the Global Report Map here.



Charter for Compassion

Amplify the compassionate voice in the world. Join Karen Armstrong in her TED-prize winning quest -- sign the Charter now.