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The Holy Grail of Data Science & Analytic Training

Real-world Data, Real-world Problems, Hands-On Experience

Decision-First AI


In the decades ahead, millions of professionals will need to be retrained in the field of data science & analytics. The need will be fueled by failures at the undergraduate education level. It will be fueled by the growth of data & information. It will be fueled by the explosions of the Gig-Economy and the Internet of Things. It will be fueled by the ever shortening length of the average company tenure (once 26 years… now just 4). It will be fueled by the acceleration of new technologies and new opportunities. That is a lot of fuel…

The writing is on the wall. Universities, software companies, new start-ups, and other niche players keep trying to get a foothold… a handhold… anything. They try new things. They grasp desperately to the wall… and then they fall. Well honestly, it is more like the kiddie climbing walls at the Y. They just quietly let go and walk away… a bit demoralized.

In fairness, it is a complicated landscape. One that has many people believing that data and analytics is a form of witchcraft. The reality is far more daunting, it is trade craft. Brutal, unforgiving, and MUCH experience required.

If you get nothing else from this article, recognize that theoretical training in data science and analytics is a tremendous waste of time and effort. Of course, any analyst experienced in doing opportunity cost analysis would know this…

Why is it so hard to get real-world training? The Three S’s

It boils down to three issues. Security — it takes a lot to convince any profitable organization to share their data. Scale — it takes a lot to share even one company’s data well. Specialization — the skills needed to bridge that gap are not nearly as sexy or loved as they should be.

Synthesizing this — it just isn’t economically feasible to collect real-world data on real-world platforms to build hands-on knowledge without a tremendous amount of time, money, and contortion-ism… Could it happen? Sure — VC’s have deep pockets. BUT, It would be one data breach away from oblivion at all times.

Enter Technology

The big money doesn’t seem interested in the deep pocket approach. They instead have backed the horse of innovation. Sometimes that works. In this case, there is a strong belief that better technology will bridge the skills gap.

Unfortunately, I for one am not buying that approach. If that worked, then more power tools would equate to more carpenters, builders, plumbers, etc.

Great tools are evolutionary. Occasionally disruptive. They enhance the prowess of those who already have the skills. A skills gap requires a revolution. That is not something a developer is going to pack in a box or download from the cloud. At least not without some revolutionary thinking… and that will require a player in a unique position.

One day, something will revolutionize the data science & analytics skills gap. To some, it will look like witchcraft. It will certainly be a holy grail… of sorts. But odds are, at its heart, it will simply be a new perspective on trade craft. Thanks for reading!



Decision-First AI

FKA Corsair's Publishing - Articles that engage, educate, and entertain through analogies, analytics, and … occasionally, pirates!