Kicking off my personal blog on Medium

Chase Garbarino
Innovation For All
Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2016

I have always had a love-hate relationship with writing. On one hand, I started and sold a media company several years ago and truly enjoy expressing my opinions through writing and building platforms for others to do the same.

On the other hand, making time for writing is hard and I’ve never been particularly great at getting pieces out the door. I write, rewrite, overthink, change my mind and next thing I know a few hours has gone by and I don’t have much to show for it. I deeply admire people who can get their thoughts onto the page every single day. It is a personal goal of mine to be more like these people.

This blog is going to be my attempt to consistently put some thoughts down about things that are important to me, primarily 1) startups 2) policy and 3) athletics/fitness. After spending the past 12 years working on startups, I hope to share the things that I’ve learned and what I am still trying to learn.

I will begin by collecting and sharing all the writing I have done across other publications here on this blog and rollout the different sections of this site thereafter.

If you happen to visit this publication and don’t see anything new, give me a kick in the ass on twitter — @cgarb.



Chase Garbarino
Innovation For All

CEO and co-founder @ HqO (, a tenant engagement platform for landlords to provide a place where people love to work.