Breaking the patterns

Anthony Agrios
Chase Your Best Self
2 min readJul 20, 2015


It’s been almost two weeks since I started this project, and ten days since I dropped off. I tend to do that often. You know, start projects with a ton of enthusiasm, go hard for a week, and then fizzle out. It’s a blessing and a curse. I’m so passionate about bettering myself through things like this. Because of that the ideas keep coming, but it’s hard to keep up with them.

Maintaining consistency is one of the most important skills you can have. I’ve watched others around me use it to accomplish a wide range of things from scoring a 1440/1600 on the SATs to writing and self publishing a best selling book. I know how important it is. But I struggle to build that kind of foundation.

When I think back to my childhood I start to understand why I have such a hard time with this. My parents were always trying to renovate our home, upgrade our backyard, and beautify the front yard. They were so passionate about making existing things look better.

There was a always a project to do. Staining the deck. Painting the living room, cleaning out the basement. Putting new tiles down in the bathroom. Transplanting bushes in the front yard.

There were so many things they wanted to accomplish. But it seemed like each project took weeks longer than it needed to and that there were so many that went undone. They would push hard on those projects for a week or two, get bored, and start a new project to keep the excitement going even if the previous one hadn’t been completed yet. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Awareness is the first step towards change. From now on, I’m going to tackle one project at a time. I won’t cheat on my projects with new ideas. I promise to be steady. As boring as a project becomes, as much as it hurts to put a new and exciting idea off, I will not falter. Calm, patient, steadiness is what I’m after. I will move from project to project with ease, grace, and confidence. I will be consistent. I will break the pattern.



Anthony Agrios
Chase Your Best Self

Founder/Designer of Nima: The best fitting tee for tall men.