Week 18

Matthew Jaeh
Chasing Down the Dream
2 min readSep 9, 2011

Hey buddy!

This week was pretty action packed!

This past Saturday we took you to the Morgan’s to watch the University of Florida season opening game against FAU. You got a chance to hangout with Jarrod and Alaina’s parents and Franklin! We tried to get you to take a nap while you were there, but you didn’t want to miss a minute of the game. A true gator baby!

Also on Saturday you turned four months old! I can’t believe how fast time flies. It doesn’t seem like a year ago we were finding out that you were coming and we were all still living in LA.

On Tuesday, we had your four month checkup. You now weigh in at 15 lbs 14 oz and are 25.25 inches. According to the doctor you are perfectly on track and healthy. You received another round of shots which you didn’t enjoy. Your mom and I felt bad for you.

Tonight we fed you rice cereal under the recommendation of the pediatrician. It went ok for the first time. I took video and pictures of the event. From the faces you made, it looked like you didn’t like the taste. I didn’t taste it myself, but it smelled like it was pretty bland.

On a sad note, a family friend, someone who I know you will meet, lost his dad. Our prayers are with him and his family.

Love you son.



Matthew Jaeh
Chasing Down the Dream

Father and husband, co-founder of a cool company, and an Alcatraz Escapee #swimbikerunFUN