Week 22

Matthew Jaeh
Chasing Down the Dream
1 min readOct 7, 2011

Hello Kellen

This past weekend we took you to the Posey dome to watch the Florida vs. Alabama game. You were surprised when we scored our first touchdown and everyone cheered. Unfortunately, you weren’t surprised many times after that considering we were destroyed by Alabama. Overall, I think you had a good time.

This week we introduced you to squash and just recently prunes. Your mom feels you still favor bananas over other foods.

Next, you figured out how to sip from a straw. The liquid doesn’t reliably stay in your mouth, but your working on it.

I’ve noticed that you are becoming pretty good at reaching out and grabbing things. I can hand you toys and you now play with them. It’s pretty cool!

This weekend we plan on taking you to pepper place market to pick up some fresh local food. This time it will be much cooler out there.

Love you son.



Matthew Jaeh
Chasing Down the Dream

Father and husband, co-founder of a cool company, and an Alcatraz Escapee #swimbikerunFUN