Week 26

Matthew Jaeh
Chasing Down the Dream
2 min readNov 9, 2011

Hello son

This week you’ve demonstrated your ability to grasp small pieces of food from your food tray and place them in your mouth. We’ve been feeding you these little dried banana pieces that resemble star shaped cheerios. You seem to love them. On a side note, your mother always tries to stop me from letting you taste random foods. I can’t wait until I can let you sample more foods. There is so much out there and it’s great!

It’s amazing to watch you grow. I see you figure out more about the world every day. You are very inquisitive and seem to study objects. Your mother and I are blessed to be a part of your life and to help you learn. Your mother has started to read you books and I’ve been letting you interact with the iPad. You like to watch the Elmo song on YouTube and you enjoy banging away at the keyboard on GarageBand. It will be interesting to tell you a story about a world before touch screens and cell phones.

Tomorrow, we are taking you to see the pediatrician for your six month check-up. It will be interesting to see what your door says and I apologize ahead of time for the shots that you will be receiving.

Love you son.



Matthew Jaeh
Chasing Down the Dream

Father and husband, co-founder of a cool company, and an Alcatraz Escapee #swimbikerunFUN