Cherish your Joyful Childhood Memories

Rohini S Murthy
Chasing Purple Skies
2 min readNov 14, 2023
Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

Every year in India on November 14, we celebrate Children’s Day to coincide with the birthday of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, our country’s first prime minister. Back in school, we either used to have a holiday or at times a half day of fun filled activities with children being entertained by teachers performing dance, drama, and other activities. The highlight of the day used to be the snacks and sweets we would receive from our class teacher. Childhood memories that span across school days, with our families, friends and relatives have a special place in our hearts.

As children, we were devoid of any prejudices or spite. With pure heart and oodles of innocence, we did not judge anyone by their appearance, caste, or creed. As children, we merely craved for attention and love from our family members and peers alike. As kids, we had a knack of making friends at the drop of the hat especially with someone closer to our age group. However, my younger sister was a clear exception to this rule. Being an affable child, her friends circle spanned across tiny tots to teenagers! Once, on her birthday party, she had invited a houseful of kids whom she proclaimed to be her best friends! Well, that’s child’s innocence for you. More the merrier was the implicit motto of every kid. More toys, more friends, more open space to play. In case, either of these were not met, we would sulk or stay unhappy…. but for a few minutes! Yes! we had the uncanny knack of bouncing back from ‘sad moments’ and could quickly divert our attention to an activity that would bring the smile back to our faces! As adults, we ought to learn this wonderful trait from our ‘former’ self!

Hopscotch — Photo by Laura Rivera on Unsplash

For instance, we would be happy climbing trees, playing hopscotch, hide n seek, I spy or Kho Kho with friends. All these games were free of cost but the joy we derived was precious! Though it has been a couple of decades since I waved goodbye to my childhood phase, the happy memories of those days continue to enrich me and fill my life with newfound joy.

I fervently appeal to all the adults reading this article — Do not let the wonderful memories of your childhood days fade away… Research has also proved that they have a powerful hold on us, shaping our self-esteem and positively influencing our mental health!



Rohini S Murthy
Chasing Purple Skies

A storyteller whose anecdotes and take on life can inspire, fill you with joy or just make you feel wonderful!