How To Inspire and Spark Creativity Within Teens

Nicole E. Figueroa
Chasing Purple Skies
3 min readJul 20, 2023

In light of the WGA Strike and the dark times film writers are facing, aspiring screenwriters and future figures of the film industry might be doubtful about their future…

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

For the past few weeks, America has seen the film industry take a turn for what could be the better or the worse. Writers have stood their ground and rightfully demanded fair pay for their hard work.

However, the strike has caused a little bit of uneasiness in another audience: aspiring teenage screenwriters, actors, and just teenage authors in general. This audience, myself included, may have some apprehension about their futures in the creative writing world. Remember: the future is never set in stone. Here are some activities that might spark a sense of creativity and inspiration within a young audience.

  • Read a book from a genre you’ve never read before.

Reading yields multiple benefits. Opening up a book of a genre you’re not used to could provide one with new insights and perspectives, thus prompting more thought.

  • Take a walk outside and admire the scenery.

Like reading, taking a stroll outside, and breathing in fresh air yields benefits. It can calm you down, allow you to appreciate mother nature, and help you escape from anything stressful. It can also foster creativity greatly. Take in the scenery and just think deeply about it!

  • Take a long, warm, or hot shower.

This one may be wacky, but it has been proven true by people of all different interests (entrepreneurs, musicians, authors, and more)! Everyone has heard of the term “shower thoughts”. These shower thoughts have the power to stem into something new, perhaps a new song or a new piece of art.

  • Listen to music.

Whether it be your favorite artists or something new, listening to music can nurture sparks of creativity and inspiration. Pay attention to the lyrics, analyze them, and allow the beat and rhythm to soak in.

  • Watch a movie you’ve never seen before.

This one is my favorite, as I love to look deeply into the message of the film and the different techniques used by the director. You can also watch some of your favorite films, but watching a movie you have never seen before is a better option as it is something new and fresh for you. This goes hand in hand with listening to music because all films have soundtracks. Listen to the soundtracks as well!

In times like these, we must stay strong. I have complete trust and faith that the writers of Hollywood will come out of this situation victorious. If possible, please support your local — and even all — writers and authors in any way possible. Everything helps!

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Nicole E. Figueroa
Chasing Purple Skies

Journalism and Screenwriting student at the University of Southern California.