Odisha Outings — Fall….Fall for Waterfalls!

Rohini S Murthy
Chasing Purple Skies
4 min readOct 30, 2023

Rani Duduma Waterfalls

photo credit-gapu photography

Waterfalls- Doesn’t it have a nice ring to it? Seeing a waterfall brings forth a child like enthusiasm in all of us and I witnessed this in abundance at Rani Duduma Waterfalls, which is 48 kms from Koraput town in Odisha. After visiting the ancient Jaina temple(https://medium.com/@Rohini.S.Murthy/odisha-outings-the-ancient-jaina-temple-at-subei-5b556fcb7a71) on Nandapur Road, we headed straight to this popular tourist attraction wondering if this place was worth the hype.

Located in the midst of a thick forest, this waterfall is easily accessible through private/public buses and cars. After buying entry tickets(Rs.10), one must walk for over 1 km to reach the waterfalls. This trek however is worth the effort as you can behold the beautiful sights of paddy fields with woodland in the background. You can also spot a small stream that flows noiselessly, unmindful of the vehicular traffic below. With cool breeze caressing our cheeks, we walked ahead as the sounds of the cascading water filled our ears. It was apparent that our destination was nearby. Soon, we caught a glimpse of the waterfalls amidst the foliage. To get a clearer view, we had to descend and stand on a huge boulder. Standing face-to-face with Rani Duduma waterfalls, all of us stood in awe, feasting our eyes on the spectacular sight.

photos by author

By reading this piece, if you are inspired to visit Odisha, then let me tell you a little bit more…. Rani Duduma waterfalls consists of 3 waterfalls with 2 accessible for trekking. The topmost (rather the first waterfall) makes for a breath-taking view followed closely by the 2nd one which is a sight to behold and enjoy. The third one, however, pales in comparison. This crystal-clear waterfalls is active throughout the year and the ideal time to visit is winter months (November to march). Since there are no good restaurants nearby, it is better to carry your own food or snacks if you plan to enjoy this place as a picnic spot. Unlike many other popular waterfall destinations, this place is quite clean, so be a responsible citizen and keep it litter free. However, the biggest drawback in this tourist spot is the washrooms. Men’s toilet for some strange reason was locked while the ladies toilet was unclean.

‘Fall’ing for Waterfalls!

We were 8 of us with varying age groups from 14 to 75. After seeing the waterfalls to our heart’s content, some of us sat on the boulder and dipped our feet in the cold water. As the water soothed our feet, we suddenly became aware of the growing number of people around us. While most of them were busy clicking photos and selfies, few brave hearts were trying to step on far flung stones to get a ‘heroic’ picture of themselves! Their antics amused me until I heard a big splash near me. One sari clad lady had fallen into the water. Although it was knee deep, she was soaked from head to toe. “What a fall in front of the falls,’ someone commented much to the amusement of others. Strangely, in the next few minutes, three such ‘falls’ happened in quick succession. Thankfully, all of them stepped out unhurt and promptly went into a makeshift room, one after the other to change into a fresh pair of clothes. This prompted me to think that their ‘fall’ was not by accident but an intentional one! Their childlike enthusiasm could have resulted in a casualty as most of the smaller rocks on which they stood were covered with moss.

A tourist standing precariously on a rock clicking selfie- photo by author
photo by author

As far as our group was concerned, we all had a fall too…. but of a different kind…. Our fall was more of an emotional one…. We fell in love with Rani Duduma waterfalls…..Yes! we did click many photos but the one captured in my mind’s eye will surely remain as a thing of beauty that will give me joy forever!

This is part 3 of my Odisha Outings articles, to read the first two, please click on the link below:





Rohini S Murthy
Chasing Purple Skies

A storyteller whose anecdotes and take on life can inspire, fill you with joy or just make you feel wonderful!