Write for us!

Janani Rajeshwer
Chasing Purple Skies
1 min readJul 2, 2023


Credit: Giphy

HOW TO APPLY: Email chasingpurpleskies@gmail.com with your name and Medium username.

Chasing Purple Skies is a platform of invention and imagination. We don’t have many requirements of our writers, except:

  1. You must be following our publication! Let us grow together.
  2. All original work: Cite your sources and pictures in the caption.
  3. Age-appropriate title and content.

If your application through Email is approved, you will get an email & shortly be added as a writer. From there, you can easily submit your stories by clicking Add to Publication before or after posting.

Remember, this is a platform where we imagine a world free from the grasp of climate change, hunger, and inequity… where endless horizons are present. Write about what YOU envision for our future — and be sure that you are passionate about it.

Please note the editors reserve the right to make minor edits regarding title, subtitle, and grammatical/technical edits. If there is further feedback regarding content, we will email you, informing of any changes to make — we will not restrict your writing otherwise! Happy writing!

