Tensions in a Crowded Sea: The South China Sea Disputes (for Youth)

Haashini Balasubramanian
Chasing Purple Skies
3 min readAug 23, 2023

Gain knowledge that equips today’s youth to navigate an ever-changing world. In this article, () were used to define terms that may be difficult to grasp for youth.

The South China Sea Disputes — an arena of territorial claims (nations arguing over who owns specific pieces of land), resource battles (conflicts related to valuable materials), and global intrigue (worldwide interest and curiosity)…

In recent times, China’s assertive stance (confident position) regarding its claims over the South China Sea has escalated, causing tensions with other claimants (nations making demands) nations.

This dispute involves multiple countries competing for control over islands and territories in the region, including China, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The conflicts date back to the 1970s and mainly revolve around resource management (handling valuable materials), particularly concerning oil, natural gas, and fish stocks in the South China Sea.

Image: Voice of America
A map of the territorial claims in the South China Sea

China’s assertiveness has brought new layers of complexity to the region. This newfound vigor has fueled the rise of tensions in recent years, as they have staked claims over islands and reefs that had previously been claimed by other nations. Of particular concern is China’s pursuit of constructing artificial islands (building man-made land areas), igniting apprehensions about the far-reaching implications of its expanding presence in the South China Sea. Their motives to possibly establish de facto control (control that is understood, due to it being standard or official) over the South China Sea have taken center stage. This involves not only the authority over islands but also dictating the rules governing behaviors in the waters.

By Paresh Nath, 27 July 2020.
A Chinese ‘dragon’ exercises control over the South China Sea while claimants look on helplessly.

In response to the evolving situation, the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (a grouping of the United States, Japan, India, and Australia) has unveiled an effort to improve nautical territories awareness (understanding of sea areas) within the South China Sea and the broader Indo-Pacific region. This move signifies a strategic response to the growing concerns raised by China’s increasingly assertive actions.

Meanwhile, tensions between China and both the Philippines and Vietnam have cooled. However, disputes between China and other nations in the region continue to simmer. The complex mixture of geopolitical ambitions (countries’ goals related to geography), resource struggles, and national concerns guarantees that the South China Sea remains a focal point on the global political stage, potentially leading to consequences that stretch well beyond the region’s shorelines.

In an era marked by interconnectedness, it is crucial to educate and engage the youth about such geopolitical complexities. The South China Sea disputes provide a valuable case study for young minds to understand the dynamics of power, diplomacy, and the delicate balance of interests. By understanding these issues, youth can develop a nuanced perspective on how nations navigate their relationships and safeguard their sovereignty in a world characterized by fluid boundaries and shifting alliances.

