Unlocking Immortality: The Secret of the “Time-Traveling Jellyfish”

Haashini Balasubramanian
Chasing Purple Skies
4 min readSep 6, 2023

The oceans, vast and mysterious, conceal many wonders beneath their depths. Among these wonders is a creature that challenges our understanding of life and death: the immortal jellyfish, scientifically known as Turritopsis dohrnii. This tiny, translucent creature, measuring just a few millimeters in length, has fascinated scientists and nature enthusiasts alike with its remarkable ability to reverse its life cycle, effectively making it “immortal.” In this article, we will unravel the secrets of the immortal jellyfish, exploring its life history, the biological mechanisms (the way things work in its body) behind its unique abilities, its ecological importance, and the consequences of its extraordinary traits on our perception of aging and dying.

Turritopsis dohrnii (Getty Images)

The Immortal Jellyfish’s Life Cycle:
The life cycle of Turritopsis dohrnii is nothing short of extraordinary. Like all jellyfish, it begins as a larva released into the ocean from a polyp (stationary creature, similar to sea anemones). However, it is during its subsequent stages that it differentiates itself from its jellyfish relatives. It goes through the following life stages:

A. Polyp Stage:
It starts as a tiny polyp, resembling a stationary sea anemone. During this stage, it attaches itself to something sticky, such as a rock or seaweed, and begins to grow.

B. Medusa Stage:
After the polyp matures, it undergoes metamorphosis and transforms into a small, bell-shaped medusa, the typical jellyfish form. During this stage, it is capable of reproduction, releasing eggs and sperm into the water.

C. Transdifferentiation:
What sets Turritopsis dohrnii apart is its ability to undergo transdifferentiation. When faced with unfavorable environmental conditions, starvation, or physical damage, the adult medusa can revert to its juvenile polyp stage. This process involves the transformation of mature cells into undifferentiated cells (changing older cells into younger ones), allowing the jellyfish to essentially start its life cycle anew. This remarkable feature has earned it the nickname “the Benjamin Button of the sea.”

The stages of an immortal jellyfish, from medusa to a polyp (MARIA PASCUAL TORNER)

Biological Mechanisms of Immortality:
The biological mechanisms responsible for the immortality of it are still being studied, but several key factors have been identified:

A. Cell Transdifferentiation:
The process of transdifferentiation involves the transformation of specialized cells into pluripotent cells, which have the potential to differentiate into various cell types. This cellular flexibility allows the jellyfish to regenerate and revert to an earlier life stage when necessary.

B. Telomere Maintenance:
In most animals, aging is associated with the shortening of telomeres, the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes. Shortened telomeres are linked to cell senescence and death. Turritopsis dohrnii appears to have a unique ability to maintain the length of its telomeres, potentially preventing cellular aging.

C. Aging Resistance:
Unlike many organisms, Turritopsis dohrnii shows resistance to cellular senescence and age-related diseases. Its cells stay alive and functional even as it reverts to a younger stage, allowing it to avoid the degenerative effects of aging.

Ecological Significance:
The existence of the immortal jellyfish has consequences for marine ecosystems and biodiversity. As a predator of zooplankton and small fish, Turritopsis dohrnii plays a role in controlling prey populations. Its ability to survive adverse conditions and recover from damage may also contribute to ecosystem stability.

However, the consequences of its immortality on population dynamics are not fully understood. Without the natural constraints of aging and mortality, the population of these jellyfish could potentially become invasive and disrupt the balance of marine ecosystems.

Implications for Aging Research:
The study of Turritopsis dohrnii has sparked interest among researchers studying aging and longevity. By understanding the biological mechanisms that allow this jellyfish to escape the confines of aging, scientists hope to uncover insights that could be applied to humans and other organisms. While comparing a jellyfish and humans may seem far-fetched, studying extreme cases in the animal kingdom often provides valuable insights into biological processes that apply more broadly.

The Turritopsis dohrnii, or immortal jellyfish, stands as a testament to the mysteries of the natural world. Its ability to reverse its life cycle and potentially achieve immortality challenges our understanding of aging and mortality. As scientists continue to study this remarkable creature, we may gain valuable insights into the biology of aging and the potential for extending human lifespans. However, we must also consider the ecological implications of this newfound knowledge and the importance of maintaining the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. The immortal jellyfish serves as a reminder that nature still has many secrets to reveal, waiting to be explored by curious minds.

For future people who want to pursue a place in this field as we have so much to discover:

If you’re captivated by the immortal jellyfish and the mysteries of the ocean, there’s an exciting path ahead for you. The world of marine biology holds countless uncharted territories waiting to be explored. As we continue to uncover the secrets of creatures like the immortal jellyfish, we realize that we’ve only scratched the surface of what lies beneath the waves. By studying marine life, you can be a part of a journey filled with discovery and wonder. From unlocking the secrets of ocean ecosystems to understanding the intricacies of unique creatures, such as the immortal jellyfish, the field of marine biology offers a world of adventure and the chance to make groundbreaking discoveries. So, who knows, you might be the one to reveal the next astonishing revelation from the depths of our oceans!

