The Real Impact of Model United Nations: Passion, Reality, and Beyond

Priscilla Agbozo
Chasing Purple Skies
4 min readAug 21, 2023
Credit: Imperial College Union

You’ve probably heard of Model United Nations (MUN), or perhaps you’re even a part of this vibrant world of diplomacy simulations. Like me, you might have been drawn into the exciting realm of international debates and negotiations, representing countries, and discussing global issues. But here’s the catch: Does MUN genuinely translate into youth action and make a positive impact beyond merely beefing up your college application? Let’s dive into the curious case of MUN, where passion meets reality.

At first glance, MUN appears as a magical realm where students become delegates, passionately debating resolutions that could change the world. Trust me; I’ve been there. The conference halls are alive with enthusiasm and inspiration. Keynote speakers share heart-wrenching stories from war-torn countries, and for a brief moment, you feel like you can save the world.

Imagine the thrill of taking on the role of Russia or North Korea, making pivotal decisions, or even declaring nuclear war (virtually, of course). It’s exciting, right? But there’s a haunting question that often lingers: How can we take pleasure in this when real people are suffering from these issues?

The bubble bursts when the conference ends. We return to our casual lives, sometimes without a second thought about the issues we once found so enthralling. The guilt creeps in, and you wonder if you’re just pretending to make a difference. I’ve felt it too. We trick ourselves into thinking we have the power to control the world, but do we?

For many of us, MUN sparks dreams of becoming diplomats or working in the United Nations. But here’s the sobering truth: The path isn’t as smooth as it seems. Some say it’s a terrible path, laden with uncertainty as the true power lies within those above. The problem isn’t the cautionary advice itself; it’s the lack of alternatives.

If being a diplomat only seems to result from “knowing the right people”, how are those without those connections, supposed to solve global issues and “change the world?” It’s essential to understand that the romanticization of such paths makes it easier to stay motivated, even though we’re aware that international relations aren’t all sunshine and rainbows. Those Tiktok edits of well-dressed, powerful individuals strutting the halls of the UN headquarters living lavishly is a lifestyle anyone would envy. But how do we strike a balance between our aspirations and reality?

Here’s the thing: Sometimes, you don’t need a seat in the General Assembly to make a difference. There are countless paths to address global issues without being patronizing or for the sake of appearances. But how do you keep that MUN debate kid fire alive when faced with the harsh realities of the world?

It’s about finding the balance between youthful enthusiasm and pragmatic action. The world needs dreamers, but it also needs realists. We must recognize the limitations of MUN and other simulations while appreciating the skills we gain along the way.

Believe it or not, MUN offers more than just a chance to play diplomat. It boosts your confidence, deepens your knowledge of the world, hones your research and organizational skills, and even improves your ability to collaborate with diverse individuals. These are skills you’ll carry with you into whatever path you choose.

It’s true; many MUN enthusiasts eventually find their way into studying political science or international relations. While it’s highly unlikely that we’ll all become the next Kofi Annan, don’t let people’s pessimism dim your passion for social change. There are countless ways to contribute to solving global issues.

You can participate in local and national politics to influence policies that address global issues. Develop innovative solutions to global problems through entrepreneurship and technology. Get involved in educational programs that empower underserved communities through literacy, STEM education, or vocational training. Adopt sustainable practices in your daily life, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting eco-friendly products and services. The list is endless.

In the end, MUN isn’t just about the accolades or the resume boost. It’s a journey that equips us with valuable life skills, broadens our horizons, and fosters a deep passion for global issues. No, you may not have solved world hunger or ended wars during a three-day conference, but you’ve left knowing more than you did before.

So, to all the MUN kids out there, take pride in your journey. No one expects you to be Malala or Greta Thunberg. There’s more to be gained from these conferences than meets the eye. Let’s stay motivated and passionate about making a difference, regardless of our chosen path. Remember, the world needs dreamers, but it also needs those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and turn dreams into reality.

