What The Generations Can Teach Each Other

Mia Kathryn
Chasing Purple Skies
2 min readOct 2, 2023
(Credit: WordPress via Pinterest)

While older people may seem like they aren’t caught up with the times, and they believe our generation is lazy, we may have much more to offer each other than what we believe. We have all these stereotypes that older people can’t use technology or don’t know how, and while that often can be true, we don’t really ask ourselves the reason for this. After all, older people have been alive longer than anyone in our generation; they know how the world works and have wisdom to share with us. We’ve yet to consider that maybe they don’t want to learn how to use technology because maybe they recognize that life is better without it.

They remember the times when we weren’t reliant on phones or laptops and we didn’t need them to function throughout our everyday lives. But, technology doesn’t exactly make us lazy like some believe, and it isn’t all bad. It has given so many opportunities to people and has helped us to advance greatly. Our communication has never been this fast, and digital platforms make things like engineering safer and easier. AI almost perfects processes and makes it harder to make a mistake. It can be used in hospitals, which makes it life-saving. It revolutionized the way we listen to music and even the entertainment industry.

Instead of going to the movie theater or getting a DVD, you can watch your favorite movies in the comfort of your own home, and for a much cheaper price. Phone apps and websites keep people informed of what’s going on in the world much faster than an old news channel on the TV or a newspaper. So while we are reliant on technology and probably would not be able to live without it, it might not be for the worst.



Mia Kathryn
Chasing Purple Skies

Hey! My name is Mia. I love to read and write! I'm passionate about The Twilight Saga and all things musicals.