When should you apologize

Rohini S Murthy
Chasing Purple Skies
3 min readJan 8, 2024
Photo by Steve DiMatteo on Unsplash

Sorry, a short and simple word, phonetically easy on the tongue but unfortunately there are very few who willingly say ‘I am sorry’ for the mistakes they commit. Let us accept the fact that we don’t like to say sorry and most of the times we don’t mean it. If you think by apologizing you are demeaning yourself or lessening the respect you receive from others, then it is necessary to understand the reasons for apologizing. That brings us to the question of when should you apologize? Here are a list of circumstances/situations which garners an apology according to me.

Escape punishment — A birthday or a wedding anniversary is the most important date which either of the spouse should not forget. But if you have committed this blunder, instead of hurling ridiculous charges on her for not giving a prior intimation of her birthday, accept gracefully that you are the guilty party by rendering a genuine apology in time.

A patient ‘ear’- Listen to every word your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse says. We agree that their talk may not always be filled with worldly wisdom and at times it can precariously hinge on being gibberish or immature, nevertheless, pretend to ‘hear’ if you don’t have the inclination to listen. But if you are in the middle of a debate or a serious discussion, then it becomes your prerogative to listen. For a bad listener, the repercussions can be colossal. Accusations of your indifferent or disinterested attitude may thwart her ego, so before things go out of hand, just apologize!

No more talks on’ yesterdays’- Past is past, talking about the mistakes your partner has committed in the past is unlikely to get you closer to an agreement. If you have the obnoxious habit of talking about your past or about your ex boyfriends/girlfriends, then just pause for a while and think about the effect such talk can have on your partner’s psyche. Make it a point to apologize to your partner for raking the past and take an oath to let bygones be bygones.

Photo by Shelby Deeter on Unsplash

Arguments and fights is an integral part of any relationship but don’t let your ego do the talking. A relationship is not about one person being superior while the other one gets treated as a mediocre. Such unbalanced relationship will invariably pave way to verbal fights and can some time turn into physical abuse too.

Before things go wrong, be largehearted and take the initiative to apologize . By doing so, probably there will be very few situations wherein either of you may have to say “I am sorry”.



Rohini S Murthy
Chasing Purple Skies

A storyteller whose anecdotes and take on life can inspire, fill you with joy or just make you feel wonderful!