Why do all your relationships end?

Rohini S Murthy
Chasing Purple Skies
3 min readNov 29, 2023
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

There can be several reasons for a relationship to end. But instead of jumping from one failed relationship to another, it’s better to do some soul searching as to what are your expectations from your potential partner? Here are some of the most common reasons why a relationship end.

Trust- We all agree that for a relationship to survive, trust plays a pivotal role. Are you the kind of person who can trust people blindly? If so, you are projecting an image of being gullible who becomes an easy target for someone who is a habitual liar or a cheater. Remember trust evolves slowly. Begin to trust a person only after you get to know him/her well. Trust is the most important foundation in a relationship on which several other layers of honesty, fidelity and sharing is built.

Consistency-Inconsistent people are those whose words and actions are rarely in sync. If you cannot fulfill a promise, then don’t say or agree to anything. By doing so, you are at the risk of misplacing the trust your partner has placed in you. Being inconsistent at times due to circumstances is acceptable but to be inconsistent for no reason at all can jeopardize a relationship

Responsibility- A relationship entails an equal share of responsibility from man and woman. How a person handles a crisis in life may provide a good insight into their feelings and thoughts. If a person boldly faces every challenge that life throws at him instead of running away from it, then, it just goes to prove that he is responsible and focused. Interpret this trait in your potential partner before you plunge into a relationship with him or her

If you or your partner have met or exceeded the above three stages, then there is a dim chance of your relationship ending. Though few matured couples have crossed these crucial stages they may still be unable to establish a successful relationship. What could be the other reasons for a relationship to break? Having cited the specific or strong reasons, let’s examine the trivial ones which at times the power to destroy even a strong relationship.

The ‘ex’ factor- Does your past relationships or your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend’s name looms large in your current relationship? Are you the kind of person who cannot complete a sentence without talking about your ex or your past conquests? If so, then learn to leave your ex in the annals of forgotten love where he or she truly belongs

Friends-You do not get along with your girlfriend’s friend or worse still her friends hold you in ill regard. The indicators of her disapproval may slowly creep over your relationship and may ultimately destroy it.

Family-When two people decide to enter in to a relationship, they should do so on their own accord but sometimes the family can interfere and even manage to break a relationship. If you ever felt that your family or your partner’s family did not ‘play’ their role as a supportive parent, then their behavior can rub off on your partner as well.

Have you been a victim of any or all of the reasons listed above? Then, don’t think it’s the end of your love life. View your past failed relationships as a bitter lesson that has helped in making you a better and a wiser person.



Rohini S Murthy
Chasing Purple Skies

A storyteller whose anecdotes and take on life can inspire, fill you with joy or just make you feel wonderful!