3 Things to Do During the New Moon in Virgo

This energy is quite favorable!

Chasing Solana
4 min readAug 27, 2022


Photo by Çağlar Oskay on Unsplash

The new moon is happening on August 27th at 4:16am EST in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is all about analyzing. It is a hardworking, logical, sign that strives for perfection. It’s also a sign that is connected to healing, as it rules the 6th house, and the 6th house relates to service, health, and the work we do each day.

Numerology Correspondance

August 27th, 2022 reduces down to 5. In numerology, 5 is all about change, freedom, and excitement. It has a heavy focus on mental energy and communication being that the number 5 is ruled by Mercury.

5 is charismatic, resourceful, and curious. Virgo also happens to be ruled by Mercury, so during this new moon, the themes of communication and mental energy are pretty prominent, and we’ll see them showing up in our lives in different ways.

A Bit About Virgo

Virgo is a mutable Earth sign, which means that it is adaptable and accommodating, but also grounded, structured, and hard working. It’s a sign that is organized and task oriented. Virgo likes to complete things systematically and efficiently.

But Virgo can also be a perfectionist. It has a keen eye for detail, but can become too wrapped up in minute intricacies, and be overly analytical.

Manifesting with the New Moon

As we know, new moons are the perfect time to set new goals and manifest our desires. New moons are like a clean slate. We’ve let go of what didn’t serve us during the Full Moon, and now we have a fresh start to welcome in new things.

Best Ways to Utilize Virgo’s New Moon Energy

1. Brainstorm New Ideas

This is a great time to think of new ideas or projects you’d like to work towards. With the intellectual Virgo in the moon, we have the strength to manifest new ideas by merging the conscious and subconscious mind. A major part of manifesting is creating the feeling that you’ll experience once your manifestations come true.

During this moon, think about what you’d like to see come into fruition. Are there any projects you’ve been wanting to start? Have you had a great idea that you haven’t begun working on? What thoughts have been nudging at you, asking you to bring them to life?

Use the power of your mind, both conscious and subconscious to generate those ideas into reality. You’re free to think as big as you’d like. There are no bounds. There are endless possibilities now, so take the time to think about what you want and manifest it into reality.

2. Connect With Others Beyond Surface Level

While the new moon is in Virgo, this is an optimal time to dive deep into relationships. Have conversations with others about things that really matter to you. Cut out the small talk and get into the emotions. We often connect with people on physical levels and don’t get into feelings.

Have you been hiding your true emotions? Have you been holding yourself back from how you feel? Do you think someone in your life has been doing the same? You are supported now to reach out to them and to have a heart to heart conversation. Connect with someone on a soul level.

You’d be surprised what you can learn about someone else or about yourself when you let down your defenses. This can be healing to everyone involved. The moon in Virgo is a healer. Be open to deeply connecting with other people during this time in a way that is meaningful and healing to the both of you.

3. Organize Your Space

The last thing to do during this new moon in Virgo is to refresh your space with organization. In addition to the subconscious mind, the mother, intuition, and emotions, the moon is connected to our home, since it is ruled by Cancer. While the moon is in Virgo, it is the perfect time to declutter, rearrange furniture, and create an organized environment.

When we are surrounded by clutter and disorganization, that reflects what is happening inside as well. As above, so below. As within, so without. If your environment is disorganized and cluttered, chances are you feel disorganized and cluttered inside.

Take the time to clean your space and tackle the chores that you’ve been neglecting. You’d be surprised how uplifting a clean environment can be. Clear anything from your space that you don’t need and get rid of it. Donate what you can to charity.

This new moon happens to fall on a Saturday, and Saturday is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is about karma and rewards us when we do good deeds. Donating on Saturdays or providing service in any way is beneficial for others and yourself.

Wrap Up

A good affirmation to use for this new moon is: I am aligned in mind, body, and Spirit and radiate healing to myself and others.

The energy during this new moon is so beautiful. We are supported in connecting with others, getting in touch with the ideas that have been brewing in our minds, and making our living space bright and new!

I hope that everything you manifest comes true. If you liked this article, follow me on Medium, and watch my YouTube channel to join a community aimed at increasing collective spiritual awareness!

