The Stars Aligned — Let’s Stamp Out Cancer

Brian Sutich
Chasing Sound
Published in
1 min readOct 1, 2017

In September on Chasing Sound I gave everyone a Song in September Challenge. The whole idea was to write, record and mix your song throughout September and then put it up for sale on Bandcamp.

I took the challenge along with everyone else, but midway through I had a great idea. All the proceeds for the song throughout October should go to my sister and sister in law who are walking in the 36 mile Avon Walk to End Breast Cancer.

The month of September is done, and the song is finally here! It’s called The Stars Aligned. I’m going to be doing more stuff like this soon, but this one’s important because of the cause it’s helping.

Coming up next week I’m also going to be providing the entire track without my lead parts over it for you to practice or write riffs over. I hope you’ll check it out, and if you’re feeling generous, donate a couple bucks.

If you want to see how I came up with the idea, wrote the song, recorded and mixed it, click on the links here → Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4.

Thanks for listening!



Brian Sutich
Chasing Sound

Guitarist, teacher, podcaster, audio engineer, Dad to 2 amazing boys, and a huge hockey fan. I love helping people, time traveling, and drinking too much coffee