Chasing Dreams Inc.
Chasing Dreams Incorporated
4 min readJul 27, 2016
Ernest Allen Awaiting The Next Drive

In life we face many challenges every single day. We may fail the first time, but may overcome it the second time. Being faced with adversity makes us who we are and strengthens us for what’s on the horizon. There is a saying that is used a lot, cliche, but still holds a very strong meaning and that is “good things happen for those who wait”. Ernest Allen has been waiting for this moment all of his life. There is nothing that will stand in his way from reaching his dreams.

Ernest Allen, a 5’10”, 215 lbs junior Running back from Birmingham Groves High School has goals set to be a human wreaking ball this upcoming season.

Birmingham Groves Logo

Allen has a bright future ahead. He is already earned a spot on the 2015 All State Honorable Mention list and his senior year will begin in August. I wanted to make sure I had the opportunity to ask him a few questions. What attitude do you bring to the game of Football? “I bring a relentless attitude to the field with my style of play. I want the defense to fear me when I touch the ball. I tell myself I will not be denied. Football is my love and I treat every play as if it would be my last” said Allen. Allen has the aggression of a Jerome Bettis and runs the ball like a Maurice Jones Drew. He runs with purpose and he will stop at nothing to reach the end zone every time he touches the ball.

With success there comes sacrifice. Everyone goes through their own trials and tribulations in life, but it’s the ones that are motivated to stay on the right path and use that experience to guide them in the right direction. Because everyone has a story behind it all, I wanted to know from Allen his story of what drives him to become successful. “My grandmother is driving me to be successful. She passed away around Thanksgiving in 2012. She told many people that I would grow up to be someone in life. I kept my word to her that I will always work hard and stay on a straight path to reach all of my goals. With the fact now that I am currently being under recruited has also pushed me to show everyone I’m capable of being a big time player as well as being a leader for my football team. It’s more like a burning fire in me that keeps me working 10 times harder than anyone that’s receiving college offers”, said Allen.

With the burning desire to have another outstanding season as Ernest Allen did, I wanted to know what goals he has set for himself for the 2016 football season. “My goals for the upcoming season is to become the top running back in the state. I will go even further in saying being ranked in the state. I want to break many records and help my team win games and have the opportunity to make it to the State Championship for my last year of high school football. I also want to become an All American. I just want to ball out this season. My goals outside of football are to continue being successful in the classroom and reach new heights”, simply said by Allen.

When it comes to chasing our dreams what really matters is going to extra lengths to accomplish them. We set goals that we feel that we can accomplish over time. The ones who are successful do not forget their dreams, they were once just thoughts at one point. I asked Allen, how are you chasing your dreams? “I am chasing my dream every day. I start with success in the classroom in order to create a better opportunity for myself to receive scholarships for colleges. I work hard in the weight room and put in work on the field in order to take my game to the next level. I have papers on my walls in my room to remind myself of what I’m aiming for when times get hard”, said Allen.

Getting to know who Ernest Allen is, he expressed to me that his family is full of natural athletes. All of his brothers played football and he has a brother that currently plays in the NFL. He also had a cousin that played for the Pittsburgh Steelers. But getting to know Allen, you can feel the passion that he carries and that passion transfers over to the football field. “What I would like for people to know is that I am hard working, dedicated, and will do anything that will help me grow as a man and as a student athlete”, said Allen.
Dreams are meant to be chased and what we do to accomplish those dreams may go unseen, but it’s the self-gratification that drives us every single day to prove to ourselves that we can take on anything that stands in our way. “I am dedicated and ready to show up and show out. I will not be denied, mark my words”, said Allen.

Watch and stay tuned for this upcoming season for Ernest Allen. He has no remorse for his opponents and anything that may get in his way of chasing his dreams.



Chasing Dreams Inc.
Chasing Dreams Incorporated

Giving you Inside Stories of Student Athletes from their OWN point of view.