Content marketing enters a new generative media era

Chat Mention
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2 min readJul 11, 2023

In the past, our communication relied heavily on standardized, mass-produced media — newspapers, radio, television. The advent of the internet merely digitized these pre-packaged messages, but the essence remained the same. It was a one-way street, a bombardment of rigid, non-customized information.

In the era of AI-driven marketing, or what we might call the Chat Mention model, the key differentiator from traditional content marketing is its generative nature. This is a direct result of the unique characteristics of the AI medium it relies on.

Being generative means that the content received by the audience is shaped and formed during the interaction process, rather than being pre-formatted, produced, and disseminated.

The most effective communication method, word-of-mouth, was limited by its inability to scale. Enter the era of Artificial Intelligence Marketing, a breath of fresh air, an innovative approach that brings back the human touch at a scale we’ve never seen before. Let’s delve into the unique characteristics of this transformative model:

  • Highly Participatory: No longer are audiences passive recipients of pre-packaged content. They are active participants in the creation of the message, shaping the narrative through real-time feedback, much like a natural conversation between two individuals.
  • Interactive: The content is not a pre-written script; it’s constructed in the midst of interaction. The AI algorithm adjusts its output based on user feedback, taking into account the audience, environment, and format.
  • Highly Personalized: The information received is no longer depersonalized or abstracted into personas. It’s tailored to match individual characteristics and needs. This requires the AI to be highly sensitive, recognizing and adjusting to the various user intents and preferences that influence communication effectiveness.
  • Contextual: It’s not just about who you’re talking to, but also where and when. The AI can adapt to different scenarios, understanding that a conversation in a bustling public space will differ from one in a quiet office.
  • Multimodal: The AI era of marketing allows for flexibility in content presentation. It can adjust the format — be it text, audio, or video — based on what would be most effective for the user. For instance, if the AI identifies a visually impaired user, it can switch to auditory or tactile modes.

A new era of intelligent content marketing, a natural, human-centric approach that is reshaping the landscape. Let’s continue to explore and innovate in this exciting realm. The future is here, and it’s powered by AI.

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Chat Mention

An inquisitive former CX professional, now captivated by the allure of AI. Curator of and newsletter