Introducing YesHellođź‘‹

A WhatsApp Inbox for Your Sales and Customer Support Teams

Jensen Lo
Chatbot Malaysia
5 min readJul 4, 2020


Photo: YesHello

Over a month ago, as businesses were starting to open up amid the controlled relaxation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia, our team established a mission to help businesses in Malaysia to survive the current crisis and thrive sooner rather than later by offering a solution for them to manage their sales and customer support team effectively.

As our founder and CEO, Carliff Rizal has set out to “help entrepreneurs who want to grow their business but don’t have a system to instantly engage and interact with their customers on-demand”.

Therefore, we are delighted to announce the launch of our brand new WhatsApp for Teams platform, YesHello.

A WhatsApp message inbox for your team

Through a myriad of conversations and interactions with fellow Malaysian entrepreneurs, we have come to realize the importance of WhatsApp to sales and customer support teams of their businesses.

With an eclectic mix of industries ranging from e-commerce, delivery service to the automotive industry, the sales and customer support teams are interacting with their customers primarily via WhatsApp.

As prominent as the application of WhatsApp in sales and customer support, these businesses have had their shares of pains in managing the conversations and valuable data of their customers on WhatsApp.

Due to the use of personal WhatsApp accounts by the members of the sales and customer support team, these teams find it challenging to keep all of the conversations and information in a centralized platform.

To make matters worse, these business owners have reported a hike in mismanagement of customer enquiries as customer requests increase. Moreover, it has also been reported that some of the teams have lost track of customer requests and information as soon as their team members leave the company.

Making customer enquiries assignment easy

We all have been there… Yes I’m referring to the instances when we replied to a WhatsApp message in a wrong group.

Photo: YesHello

While WhatsApp Groups allow your team of support agents to collaborate and communicate, they are far from a reliable option to provide engaging and efficient support for your customers.

Apart from causing miscommunication by replying text messages in the wrong group, the sales and customer support teams find it ineffective when they would need to assign a customer request or enquiry to their colleagues in their communication via WhatsApp.

This has resulted in some of the enquiries being neglected due to mismanagement of customer conversations.

YesHello offers a WhatsApp Inbox for teams which centralizes all customer conversations so your agent could respond to the customer enquiries all in one single view.

This allows your agent to have all the information required to deliver quick and personalized support to your customers.

Due to the ability to respond to all of the conversations in one view, your team of support agents could assign any enquiries to each other anytime.

Anytime when your agent is busy, when your agent needs support from the team and when your agent leaves the team.

Keeping track of leads, customers and documents

For teams which utilize WhatsApp as their main tool for communication, some of them have encountered issues in keeping track of leads, contact information of their customers and also relevant attachments sent by their colleagues and customers.

We, as a team, have encountered the challenge of searching for the correct documents and attachments sent as well when we didn’t have a centralized platform for our WhatsApp communication.

Worst of all, the attachments containing data and information of different clients were sent simultaneously. This has resulted in a disaster in keeping track of all important documents within the team.

To erase this pain, YesHello is designed to provide a centralized platform for teams to manage the data and leads effectively and allow each team member to easily access the information in one view.

You can now capture leads on WhatsApp without having to worry about losing track of the leads. The conversations and documents which contain valuable data of your prospects and customers are accessible to everyone in your sales and customer support team.

No more scrolling through the entire WhatsApp chat history just to search for an important contact and attachment.

Evaluating your sales and customer support performance with real-time analytics

Your sales and support teams could also analyze their performances in one view with YesHello’s Dashboard. The dashboard helps you to visualize data such as contacts, messages, response time and ticket resolution time.

Furthermore, the data reporting is easily customizable. You could select the data only for today, for the past week or even for the past month.

The user friendly charts would assist you in data analysis and drill down on the areas which need improvement.

Some of the common goals in which most sales and customer support teams all share are ensuring customer satisfaction, improving customer loyalty and retaining customers.

These support teams could achieve these goals with an effective customer enquiries assignment flow and data collection and storage system.

The last step in consolidating these goals would be implementing a feedback loop system. And, YesHello, again, allows your team to evaluate the quality of support given in one view.

YesHello Dashboard makes data analytics simple allowing you to have a real-time evaluation of your customer support performance. Photo: YesHello

Looking to start messaging your customers via multiple channels in ONE SINGLE VIEW now? Start by Signing Up NOW.

Would like to find out about our mission to help you as ENTREPRENEURS AND BUSINESS OWNERS? Join Us Here.



Jensen Lo
Chatbot Malaysia

I write about the Asian experience I grew up with and would like to connect with like-minded people through storytelling. Connect at