Shriya Pal
Chatbots bible and More.
3 min readJul 24, 2017


Make your Chatbot a Better Person

A chatbot changes the way a business interacts with their customers. Bots can help the current and prospective customers 24X7, providing assistance and answering queries when the staff is busy with other more important tasks. Chatbot platforms like Avaamo are making creating and managing AI-powered chatbots a cakewalk. However, building a chatbot is an ongoing effort. The first version of a chatbot is never the last version. All the changes and modifications made to the chatbot must be based on facts and not assumptions. In order to make the necessary changes, a set of key metrics that give an insight into customer preferences, required improvements, and necessary eliminations, have to be monitored.

But, what are the metrics that should be tracked before modifying the chatbot to enhance the user experience? Following is a list of few metrics that should be considered when the bot is being optimised to ensure best possible user experience.

Numbers of users

The total number of users reached plays an important role in verifying the validity of all the metrics. The larger the sample size, the more desirable will the result be.

Session duration

After confirming the number of interactions that the chatbot has had, the fundamental stats will give a basic idea of usage. Applying the average session durations to the business and circumstances can make for a great metric to measure.

Session per user

Keeping a track of the number of sessions per user is vital, as it could be an indication as to whether the chatbot is doing its job properly. Analysing the sessions in terms of the users who have interacted the least and the users who have had multiple interactions with the chatbot. It gives an idea about what the bot is doing right and what are the issues it is unable to solve.

Active and engaged users

Active users are the ones who only read the messages sent by the bot, whereas engaged users are the ones who respond to the chatbots. It is important because the interaction patterns of engaged users help in making the changes to the bot.

Confusion generators

Confusion generators or triggers are the responses that a chatbot gives when it gets confused by a difficult task or request. Occurrences of responses like ‘I don’t understand what you just said’ or ‘I am not sure I understand’ should be measured as it may help in analysing the reason and coming up with ways to prevent this from happening.

Response Time

‘Slow and steady wins the race.’ Well, not anymore. Users want fast responses and quick solutions. If the chatbot isn’t prompt enough it might hamper the user experience.

Keeping an eye on these metrics and optimising the bot can provide the best user experience and can exponentially increase the impact the chatbot has on the marketing and branding campaigns.

Avaamo is the best chatbot platform in India. To build a chatbot, visit

