I asked from chatGPT what’s the Impact of AI on Job Automation and Future Employment

Sandumi Jayasekara
ChatGPT Chronicles
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2023

Today I asked from chatGPT what’s the Impact of AI on Job Automation and Future Employment, and it answered,

Photo by Carter Yocham on Unsplash

Artificial intelligence has led to the automation of many jobs, leading to job losses in some industries but also creating new jobs in others. The net impact on employment is uncertain and may vary depending on the specific industry and job function. In some cases, AI has increased efficiency and productivity, allowing companies to expand and create new job opportunities. In others, AI has replaced human workers, leading to unemployment in certain fields. It is important for workers to continuously upskill and reskill to stay relevant in the changing job market.

ChatGPT, Who May Lose Their Jobs?

The jobs most at risk of automation are typically those that involve repetitive tasks, data collection, and processing. These jobs are vulnerable to automation because they can be easily programmed and performed by machines without the need for human intervention. Some examples of jobs that may be at risk of automation include:

  • Manufacturing and assembly line workers
  • Data entry clerks
  • Telemarketers
  • Retail salespeople
  • Drivers (e.g. truck, delivery)
  • Customer service representatives

It is important to note that not all jobs within these categories will be automated, and some jobs may not be automated for many years. Additionally, new jobs may also be created as a result of automation in these fields.

What kinds of jobs may be created in the near future?

With the advancement of AI, there is potential for new job creation in several fields, including:

  • Data analytics and interpretation
  • AI development and programming
  • Cybersecurity
  • Human-AI interaction design
  • Digital ethics and policy making
  • Sales and marketing for AI products and services
  • Training and education for AI technology
  • Project management for AI implementation
  • Maintenance and repair of AI systems.

These new jobs will likely require a combination of technical skills, such as programming and data analysis, and soft skills, such as creativity and communication. As AI continues to impact the job market, it is important for workers to continually upskill and reskill to stay relevant in the changing job market.

What are upskilling we should gain?

To stay relevant and secure their jobs in the face of AI automation, workers should consider upskilling in the following areas:

  1. Technical skills: Acquiring knowledge in AI and machine learning, programming, data analysis, and cybersecurity will be valuable for many jobs in the future.
  2. Digital skills: Becoming proficient in digital tools and technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and automation tools.
  3. Soft skills: Emphasizing skills like creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration, as these are difficult to automate and highly valued in many industries.
  4. Adaptability and continuous learning: Staying curious and open to learning new things, and continuously developing new skills to stay ahead of the curve.
  5. Cross-functional skills: Developing a diverse set of skills that can be applied to multiple industries and job roles, making workers more resilient in the face of job loss or changes in their current industry.

It is important for workers to continuously assess their skills and identify areas for improvement to stay relevant in the job market and ensure long-term career success.

In conclusion, AI is having a significant impact on the job market, leading to automation of some jobs and creation of new ones. Jobs that involve repetitive tasks and data processing are most vulnerable to automation, while jobs in fields such as data analytics, AI development, and human-AI interaction design are likely to see growth. To stay relevant and secure their jobs in the future, workers should consider upskilling in technical skills, digital skills, soft skills, adaptability and continuous learning, and cross-functional skills. It is important for workers to continuously assess their skills and identify areas for improvement to ensure long-term career success in the changing job market.

That’s how ChatGPT responds to my job automation and the future of employment, It’s quiet well informed…

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This is conversation having with OpenAI’s ChatGPT Language Model and this publication contains the AI writer content along with human writer content



Sandumi Jayasekara
ChatGPT Chronicles

Intelligent Automation Specialist passionate about AI, ML, & RPA. Medium writer. Loves travel, music, & reading. Instagrammer. 🤖✍️🌍🎵📚