Keeping Real-Time Messaging Simple With STOMP

Aaron Nwabuoku
Published in
7 min readAug 9, 2020


To build real-time web applications you’ll need full-duplex communication between a client application and a web server — having a message broker is also essential if you want reliability, and if you want to be able to handle messaging at scale. These different components have very different requirements and often share very little in terms of their tech stack, the programming languages they are written in, and the libraries they use. Despite these differences, the components involved in real-time messaging systems need to be able to send and receive messages agnostic of each component’s tech stack in both directions. The WebSocket Protocol was introduced in 2011 to enable two-way communication between clients, and a remote host over a single TCP connection.

Since then, the WebSocket Protocol has become widespread, and it is supported across the web, both by browsers and mobile devices. The WebSocket Protocol although ubiquitous is a low level protocol functioning as a thin layer over TCP. The WebSocket Protocol upgrades a HTTP connection into a duplex connection and transforms a stream of bytes into a stream of messages without defining what those messages look like or how they’re structured. With the WebSocket Protocol alone there isn’t enough structure for real-time messaging components to route or process messages. This lack of structure makes the WebSocket Protocol by itself too low level for any serious application. Real-time messaging systems can take advantage of the wide support for WebSocket and provide structured messaging by using a WebSocket sub-protocol. The WebSocket Protocol allows itself to be extended by application-level messaging protocols that structure messages and provide additional information to messaging components.

TLDR — we need a simple messaging protocol we can use on top of the WebSocket protocol to allow our real-time messaging components to share messages and communicate effectively.

A simple application level messaging protocol

The Simple Text Oriented Message Protocol (STOMP for short) makes a great WebSocket sub-protocol. Inspired by HTTP, STOMP defines text frames consisting of a command, an optional set of headers and an optional body. Real-time messaging components send and receive these frames containing messages, and are able to forward the messages based off their destination. STOMP is also widely supported with libraries and tools across the web ecosystem.

Setting up a STOMP client

At ChatKitty, we’ve created StompX — an open protocol based off and compatible with STOMP. Our Real-time Messaging (RTM) API uses the StompX protocol, and you can connect to it with using any STOMP compliant client library to begin building your chat app powered by ChatKitty.

Here are a few STOMP client libraries we recommend:

We also provide Open-Source StompX client libraries to help you get the best experience out of the ChatKitty RTM API:

Connecting to a STOMP service

We’ll be using the STOMP JS client library to connect to the STOMP compliant ChatKitty RTM API.

First, we have to add STOMP JS to our JavaScript project:

Using npm we install stompjs to our project dependencies

npm install @stomp/stompjs websocket --save

Now that we’ve added STOMP JS, we can now connect to ChatKitty using the STOMP protocol:

import {Stomp} from '@stomp/stompjs';

var url = `wss://
var client = Stomp.client(url);

client.connect({ 'host': '' }, function () {
console.log('Connected to ChatKitty');
}, function () {
console.log('Error connecting to ChatKitty');

Awesome! Just like that we were able to connect to ChatKitty. 🙌

What’s happening here?

If we check the STOMP JS debug logs, we’ll see a few STOMP frames sent back and forth while we connect to ChatKitty:

Web Socket Opened...


Received data


connected to server ActiveMQ/5.15.12


After an underlying TCP connection has been made, a STOMP client can start a STOMP session by sending a CONNECT frame:


If the service accepts the connection attempt, it will respond with a CONNECTED frame:


To connect to a STOMP service, our client must send a couple of headers in our CONNECT frame.

The host header specifies the host we're connecting to. In our case, it's the hostname of the ChatKitty service

The accept-version header tells the service what versions of the STOMP protocol our client is able to support. The service can then negotiate which version to use based on the highest version supported by both the client and the service. Currently, there are three versions of the STOMP protocol and STOMP JS is able to handle all three, so we specify 1.0,1.1,1.2.

Optionally, we’ve included a heart-beat header to test the healthiness of our underlying TCP connection. We've told the service that we can send a heart-beat every 10000 milliseconds, and we can handle a heart-beat from the service every 10000 milliseconds. A heart-beat is simply an empty message sent through the connection.


If the service accepts the connection attempt, a STOMP service responds to a CONNECT frame with a CONNECTED frame:


The user-name header tells us what user owns this STOMP session. It should match the stompx-user value we specified the connection URL.

The version header returns the version of the STOMP protocol the service negotiated for our connection based on the accept-version we sent in our CONNECT frame.

The session header value uniquely identifies our STOMP session.

The heart-beat header has the same value as the heart-beat we sent in our CONNECT frame if the server accepts the heart-beat frequencies we requested.

The server header contains information about the server the STOMP service uses. ActiveMQ/5.15.12 means ChatKitty uses a version of Apache ActiveMQ as a message broker. 🤔

The content-length header specifies the size of a frame's body in bytes, since the CONNECTED frame doesn't have a body, it has a value of 0.

Subscribing to a STOMP destination

We subscribe to a STOMP destination to listen to messages sent to that destination.

Using the client from earlier we subscribe to two destinations

client.subscribe('/topic/v1/channels/1', function (message) {
console.log('Received message: ' + message.body);
}, {'receipt': 'receipt-0'});

client.subscribe('/topic/v1/threads/1.messages', function (message) {
console.log('Received message: ' + message.body);
}, {'receipt': 'receipt-1'});

We subscribe to the channel destination to “enter” a channel, and to the channel’s main thread’s messages destination to listen to message events.

If we check the STOMP JS logs again, we see:





Interesting, the service responds with a couple of RECEIPT frames with receipt-id headers matching the receipt headers we sent. We'll get into why in a bit.

We’re sending a few headers here:

We specified receipt headers. Any client STOMP frame after the initial CONNECT frame can include a receipt header with an arbitrary value. Specifying a receipt causes the service to acknowledge the processing of a client frame with a RECEIPT frame. The received RECEIPT frames have receipt-id headers with the same value as the receipt header we sent.

We also include a id header to uniquely identify this subscription within our STOMP session. The id header allows us and the STOMP service to associate MESSAGE and UNSUBSCRIBE frames with our subscription.

Lastly, we have a destination header - this tells the STOMP service where we're subscribing to. Once we subscribe to a destination, we're able to receive messages sent to the destination.

Sending a STOMP message

We subscribe to a STOMP destination to listen to messages sent to that destination.

Using our client instance we send a message

client.send('/application/v1/threads/1.message', {
'content-type': 'application/json',
'receipt': 'receipt-2'
}, JSON.stringify({'type': 'TEXT', 'body': 'Hello world!'}));

We send a message to the channel’s main thread’s messages destination (which we subscribed to earlier).

If we configure our client to log STOMP frame bodies and check the logs, we see:

>>> SEND

{"type":"TEXT","body":"Hello world!"}



{"type":"message.created","version":"v1","resource":{"type":"TEXT","user":{"type":"PERSON","name":"my_test_user"},"receipt":"receipt-2","body":"Hello world!","createdTime":"2020-08-10T00:36:37.655Z","_relays":{"user":"/application/v1/users/110.relay","thread":"/application/v1/threads/1.relay","channel":"/application/v1/channels/1.relay"}}}

We send a JSON string payload to the service, the service acknowledges our message and forwards us the message creation response, since we’re also subscribed to the message’s destination.

The content-type header helps a STOMP service understand what type of message our client is sending and the destination header tells the service where to deliver the message.

We see a few new headers in the response sent by the service:

The timestamp header isn't specifically defined by the STOMP protocol, but the protocol allows for custom headers. Custom headers allow you to extend the protocol to better suit the needs of your application. Here the timestamp represents the time the service sent the message in Unix Epoch Time.

The service also includes a message-id header to uniquely identify the returned message.

The subscription header matches the id we sent when creating our subscription to let us know which subscription should receive the message.

The expire header is another custom header. A value of 0 means our message is always valid and does not expire.

And just like that, we’re able to send and receive messages from a real-time messaging service — without having to know anything about its internal implementation. By using the STOMP protocol we were able to structure our messages and enrich each message with information needed by both the service and our client. Because the STOMP protocol is text-based and involves a few commands, the process was easy to debug and understand. Wasn’t that simple? 😉

The STOMP protocol also defines more advanced features like message transactions and client message acknowledgment. You can learn more about the STOMP protocol here:

Originally published at on August 9, 2020.



Aaron Nwabuoku

Co-founder at ChatKitty where I build an open platform for chat.