Why investing on the markets should be open to all

Team ChatQ
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2018

In this ongoing series, we ask members of the team critical guiding questions that drive the way we approach our work with ChatQ. In this piece, Founder T K Tan shares with us why he thinks investing on the markets should be open to all.

Investing on financial markets is, in fact, made accessible to all. However, information available for investors is limited. Furthermore, there is a high price to pay for good information. With ChatQ, we would like access to this information to be democratized and make financial information more easily accessible and usable for all investors. Although some of the information available may already be free, the organization of such information needs to be better.

In order for us to find true market price discoveries, we need a platform that provides the marketplace with a sentiment indicator and have this information be easy accessible; like the internet.

There needs to be a system of filtering, where users can decide which important indicators they want to rely on. There are a lot of categories of information available in finance; fundamentals, technical, quantitative, market behavior, etc. However, not all investors feel the same about each of these indicators. Making all of this information available to everyone would not be ideal, as I immediately think of ‘information overload’. With ChatQ, we will help users find the right level of filtering, so they can streamline and tailor their influx of information.

この連載シリーズでは、当社のメンバーに、ChatQのプロジェクトに取り組む上で企業としての方向性を質問形式でお伝え致します。今回は創始者であるT K Tanが、なぜ市場への投資は全ての投資家に解放するべきなのかについて語ります。




財務に関しましては、ファンダメンタルズ、技術、定量、市場行動など数多くの分野で利用可能な情報は存在します。 しかし、全ての投資家がこの指標に同じ評価をしている訳ではありません。私はこれらの膨大な量の情報を投資家が全て利用できるようになるのは、理想的でないと考えます。なぜならそれは投資家達にとって”情報過多”となってしまうからです。ChatQではユーザーが正しいレベルのフィルタを探す手助けをします。そうすることにより、ユーザーは情報の流入を調整し、効率良く利用することができるのです。

ChatQ is a social investing chat app that powered by smart-bots and market sentiment.

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