Chatting with Chat & You

“In Living Color”

The NBC Peacock Logo & “Star Trek”

Melanie Ann
Chatting with Chat & You


After my introductory post to the new publication, “Chatting with Chat & You,” I just had to ask Chat where that term “in living color,” that used to fill me with so much excitement as I sat down to watch the original Star Trek (Star Trek: The Original Series), came from.

Photo by Steve Harvey on Unsplash

ME: Hey Chat, during the 1960s, color TV became popular in the USA. Do you remember the term “in living color.” Who used it and made it popular? It’s just a vague recollection to me from when I was a very young girl… But it sure used to make me feel happy!

ChatGPT: Yes, the term “Living Color” or “In Living Color” was used extensively by NBC (National Broadcasting Company) during the 1960s to promote their color television broadcasts. NBC was one of the first major networks to embrace color TV technology and wanted to make it clear to viewers when they were watching a program in color, which was still a novelty at the time.

The phrase “The following program is brought to you in living color on NBC” became a signature tagline. It was often accompanied by the NBC peacock logo, which displayed a range of vivid colors to highlight the network’s color broadcasting capabilities. This peacock logo and the phrase together created a strong association in viewers’ minds with the exciting new world of color television.

For many people, hearing that phrase and seeing the colorful peacock was a delightful experience, symbolizing the vibrant and dynamic new era of television. It certainly contributed to the happy and memorable feelings you recall from your childhood.

ME: Oh, yes! The peacock! I remember that too! It did give me a great feeling of contentment and joy and I think I love peacocks to this day because of it! Thanks Chat!

ChatGPT: You’re very welcome! It’s wonderful how certain images and phrases from our past can evoke such strong and happy memories. The NBC peacock logo is indeed an iconic symbol that brought a lot of joy and excitement to viewers as it represented the colorful and innovative world of television during the 1960s. It’s great to hear that it left such a positive impression on you. If you have any more questions or need a trip down memory lane, feel free to ask!

ME: And just to make sure…the original Star Trek series was first broadcasted on NBC? Is my memory correct?

ChatGPT: Yes, your memory is correct. The original “Star Trek” series, officially known as “Star Trek: The Original Series,” was indeed first broadcast on NBC. The show premiered on September 8, 1966, and aired on NBC for its entire three-season run, concluding on June 3, 1969.

ME: Only three years… that’s amazing. And yet the show inspired so many for so many years. Of course, I remember watching it on reruns for years afterwards. I always tried to finish my homework in time to watch an episode of Star Trek that came on at about 5:30 in the afternoon.

ChatGPT: It’s truly remarkable how “Star Trek: The Original Series,” despite its relatively short initial run of just three seasons, has had such a lasting impact on popular culture and inspired countless fans and creators over the decades. The show’s reruns played a significant role in its enduring popularity, introducing new generations to the adventures of the USS Enterprise and its crew.

Your experience of watching “Star Trek” reruns after finishing your homework is a fond memory shared by many fans who discovered the series in syndication. The themes of exploration, diversity, and optimism for the future continue to resonate, making “Star Trek” a beloved and influential part of television history.

ME: Absolutely! And now I have “Star Trek: Picard” yet to watch! I think I am putting it off just to have something new to enjoy! Sounds strange, doesn’t it?

ChatGPT: Not strange at all! Having something new to look forward to is a great feeling, especially when it's a continuation of a beloved series like Star Trek. Enjoying "Star Trek: Picard" when you're ready will make it all the more special. Happy watching when the time comes!

Me: Thanks! And on that note to all you fellow Star Trek lovers (and everyone else too), “Live long and prosper!” (I know, I did it again…but hey… how can you improve on perfection!?).

Stars going around the north star in a time lapse photo
Stars “trekking” around the north star. CanvaPro



Melanie Ann
Chatting with Chat & You

Melanie: 40 years of writing adventure! Loves olive oil, dark chocolate, St. Nicholas (read and see!) animals & long walks. Not a fan of modern retirement.