How do we really feel about meetings?

Ricky Fung
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2019

“According to data we have collected over the past two decades, the time spent by managers and employees in collaborative activities has ballooned by 50% or more.” — Collaborative Overload in Harvard Business Review

Think about your workday for just a second. If you’re like me, meetings are a natural part of the day.

Unfortunately, most of us walk into meetings feeling like this —

Maybe it’s because someone invited you and you feel obligated to go but no matter the reason, you’re not super pumped about it.

However if you agree that meetings are a critical time for you and your team to make key decisions and assign responsibilities to one another, then you and your team should really feel like this about your meetings —

Photo Credit

Even with the right mindset though, we discovered there’s a ton of manual work needed to run effective meetings. Prior to the meeting, people are taking time to brainstorm and formulate agendas and track status. Many are taking notes during meetings and afterwards, sending out summaries and action items. Multiply this by the number of meetings you have any given week and it quickly adds up!

Tika’s goal is to automate much of the manual work needed to run productive meetings. Never wonder the purpose of a meeting or what you need to work on after each meeting. Communication should be efficient and expectations aligns. With Tika, we want you to feel like this about meetings —

If you’re interested in signing up to be an early user, check out our website. The caveat is you need to be using Google Calendar and Slack initially.



Ricky Fung
Editor for

CEO @TikaMeetings, the meeting app for busy people. Prev ad tech at Google, Admeld, & other startups.