Why Your Meetings Are More Important Than Ever

Ricky Fung
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2019

The power of human potential has a long history…

Dating back to our caveman days, we learned to work together and collaborate to achieve greater goals. According to biologists, it not only kept us alive and fed us like the picture above, it also helped evolve our intelligence.

Consider if the cavemen didn’t work together. Worst case scenario, they get attacked and die from threats. At best, they might be able to hunt down a much smaller animal for food but even then, they realized that 1 + 1 = 3.

We’ve since traded in our loin cloths and spears for more appropriate 21st century office attire, but we still come together as groups, tribes, etc. at work in order to collaborate for the greater good. Without meetings, we would all be solo cavemen(women), otherwise known as individual contributors in today’s world. We’d be hitting the limits of what we could do on our own and there would be no way we could continue to hit lofty company goals.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Meetings are opportunities for us to work together, make decisions, and assign responsibilities so that we know what to work on when we’re not meeting.

In fact, work today has never been more centered around collaboration and meetings.

Frankly, that’s why we have so many meetings today. People intrinsically know they need to meet with others to get consensus, 2nd opinion, approval, updates, etc. so that work can continue to move forward. In execution though, people book the meeting and do little else to make sure it’s a successful use of time (more on that in another post).

So next time you walk into a meeting, I encourage you to reframe your perspective. Rather than be annoyed at another meeting and mentally check out, remember our cavemen ancestors and do what you can to collaborate with your colleagues.

If you’re curious about how to be even better than our cavemen ancestors and have high quality meetings, check out Tika here or feel free to reach out at hello@tika.ai.



Ricky Fung
Editor for

CEO @TikaMeetings, the meeting app for busy people. Prev ad tech at Google, Admeld, & other startups.