The founders Adrien Roose, Chloé Roose, JC Libbrecht and Karim Slaoui

Take Eat Easy is ready for take-off

Marie Brayer
Chausson Finance
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2015


How Take Eat Easy closed a €6m Series A from top European investors

Our client, Take Eat Easy, just closed a €6m Series A led by Rocket Internet, and we are really happy to share this news with you.

Take Eat Easy delivers meals prepared by the coolest restaurants right to your door in Paris and Brussels. Bored to pick up food from the same place everyday? Now you can order your meal online and wait for a (handsome) bike courier to bring it to you in about 30 minutes.

Wait a minute… are Take Eat Easy and JustEat (AlloResto) the same? Not at all. Contrary to Just Eat or Delivery Hero, Take Eat Easy does not rely on the restaurant to deliver the food but orchestrates all the delivery process with the help of amazing algorithms and a team of freelance bike couriers.

Consequence: the food available on Take Eat Easy is lightyears away from cheap pizza and sushi. You get to order from no less than Frenchy to Go, Studio 5, Tashi Tagye or Le Petit Cambodge...
After placing your order, you can follow the courier in real time

Having established that the company itself is pretty cool, let’s see why their Series A is even cooler:

  • It’s no less than the biggest Series A of a Belgian start-up since 2010
  • And the fourth biggest venture operation in Belgium overall in 2014–2015
  • To our knowledge, it’s the second investment ever of Rocket Internet in a french-speaking country (the first one was Videdressing in 2013)

This is without a doubt a performance, but when you know the quality of the founding team, this operation makes perfect sense.

Let’s back up a little bit.

During our first meeting with the company, it appeared quickly to us that Adrien Roose, the CEO, was not the average guy. He actually told us after a few minutes: “We are building a billion dollar company”.

This might not seem special to an informed US audience, but in France or Belgium, you don’t see people expressing that kind of ambition everyday.
An ambition shared equally by the other three founders: Karim Slaoui, Jean-Christophe Libbrecht and Chloé Roose.

What impressed us even more is that they were able to back that ambition with exceptional dedication and results.

As Adrien explained to us: “Right from the start we wanted to build something huge, and knew that we would only get it if we became obsessed with the quality of the service”. Leading to a 30% monthly growth rate, fuelled by word of mouth.

And it’s just the tip of the iceberg, all their metrics are exceptional.

Massive ambition, amazing metrics, food delivery … no wonder that they caught the attention of Rocket Internet.

Last year, Rocket Internet confirmed his strong interest for the food delivery market by setting up a dedicated structure, the « Global Online Takeaway Group ». And, as usual with Rocket, it gets real really really fast… In the last six months, they invested no less than $717m in Delivery Hero (the Just Eat model) and Hello Fresh and bought a bunch of companies all over the world, like Talabat in Dubaï for $171m.

DN Capital and Piton Capital were of course the best investors to complete the funding round, having recently sold German OpenTable competitor Quandoo to Japanese Recruit Holdings for $219m.

With Global Founders, DN and Piton, Take Eat Easy has the best people around the table to help them tackle the next challenges and start expanding to new cities in Europe.


In the end, the best way to understand why they closed this exceptional Series A is maybe for you to try their service… And since they are nice people, you get a €10 discount on your first order:

Enjoy! ❤

Frenchie to go, great place to start

Are you next?

At Chausson Finance, we match smart money with great companies.
In 2014, we helped 9 carefully selected companies to raise between €1.5 and 5 millions for a total of €26m.

In 2015, Take Eat Easy’s Series A is our second operation, following Alkemics €5m Series A with Index Ventures.

Want to get in touch and be advised for your upcoming fundraising?
Set a m
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You can also check out our previous article about the 5 key ingredients to raise €2m and more.

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