Am I Holding Myself Hostage?

The Chawklit Interludes.
Chawklit Interludes
3 min readOct 4, 2023
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Listen, there are people in this world who choose to bask in their dilemmas and shortcomings. Essentially, this means that these individuals willfully remain bound. Now, bound in this instance refers to one being confined by their own bullshit. When a person sits in their own shit, they are prohibiting themselves from growth. For example, there is a quote by Maya Angelou that says, “nothing works, unless you do.” That quote translates to; take action. Here’s the thing though, when a person finds solace in their own BS, the idea of “taking action” isn’t appealing.

I remember a pastor once said during a sermon “some people don’t want to be made well, because then who would they be?” I believe that was a very strong statement and here’s why; in the book of John, chapter 5 verse 7, there was an invalid sitting by the pool of Bethesda. This pool had a reputation for healing. Angels would come down during certain seasons and trouble the water in the pool. The first person who entered the pool after it’s troubling, would be healed of any sickness they had. Now, when Jesus came, he saw this invalid man who had been ill for 38 years and he asked him if he wanted to be made whole. The man’s response was,” I have no one to put me into the water once it’s been troubled, someone always gets in before me.” Now stick a pin in that. Granted this man was physically sick in his body, when he was presented with an opportunity to become better, the first thing he did was give a pretext.

That is what a lot of people tend to do when it comes to making themselves better. They give an excuse as to why they can’t or why they have not done so yet. Please understand, no one is exempt from problems, and no one is exempt from shortcomings, but we ALL have a choice to either indulge in our issues OR release ourselves from them. Allow me to explain the difference in the two. When you indulge in your problems and weak points, you allow them to rule over you. When you choose to release yourself, you are making the decision to prevail.

For exemplification, let’s say an individual is aware they struggle with mental health issues such as PTSD or Anxiety. Instead of seeking resources to help and doing the necessary work to fix these issues, or at least get them to the point where they are more manageable, the person decides to dwell in them. To add to that, they live in excuses like” that’s just how I am.” That is choosing to let your problems and your drawbacks have sovereignty. Whereas when you choose to have dominion over your obstacles and deficiencies, you’re choosing to help yourself. Here’s some food for thought, Confucius once said “he who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.” Don’t ever think for one second that you are not capable of winning a battle between you and your mind. It may not be the easiest task, but perseverance will set you free.

Please keep in mind that wallowing in your predicaments and imperfections is not going to do anything but make you remain idle. I encourage you to reflect. I encourage you to unlearn and relearn. I encourage you to seek help. I encourage you to put in the work. Putting in the work has never been easy, but it has always been worth it. For those who are struggling with seeing the light in the darkness, keep this bible verse in mind; Galatians 6:9 and let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap if we FAINT NOT. In layman’s terms, don’t get discouraged and don’t give up, put in the work that’s needed and reap the results from all that work you put in!

quotes by: Maya Angelou and confucious 
scriptures from the Holy Bible

