
The Chawklit Interludes.
Chawklit Interludes


I want to enlarge upon the subject matter of, ignoring your body. Please be aware that our nervous system is the first to know when we’re okay and when we’re not okay. To further expound, when we are NOT okay our nervous system basically has an allergic reaction and begins to give us signals to safeguard ourselves.

For those unaware, the nervous system deals with the brain, spinal cord and a compound network of nerves. This structure dispatches messages back and forth between the brain and the body. The brain controls all the body’s functions. In layman terms, when our nervous system feels threatened, we begin to operate in survival mode, as our sense of security has been breached.

Here’s the thing though, we often overlook when our nervous system has been compromised. This is on the grounds that, WE DON’T EVEN REALIZE THE SHIT IS HAPPENING. I believe that we take our body for granted when it’s trying to tell us something. Things like; extended durations of stress, constantly struggling with concentrating and remembering things, forgetting to eat, consistent mood swings, and persistent issues with feeling motivated etc., are not conventional. Our body will literally tell us when It’s apprehensive. We nurse the issue with iced coffee, retail therapy or crying it out and think everything is fixed. It doesn’t work like that. When our nervous system is signaling that there’s a problem, we need to innovate. To innovate means to bring about a new method. Sometimes a new method looks like ending that relationship, quitting that job, changing those spending habits, making an appointment to see that therapist, changing those eating habits etc. Please incorporate the necessary changes your body is begging you for. YOU ONLY GET ONE BODY. It’s not ideal to continuously operate in survival mode because you keep making the choice to ignore your nervous system. Neglecting those signs that your body is giving you will literally make you sick; mentally, physically and emotionally. We might lie to ourselves, but our body doesn’t lie and it damn sure doesn’t sugar coat anything.

