Why Simple Church Sermons Is Different/Better

Ryan Hayden
Simple Church Tools
3 min readOct 17, 2017

In a few weeks, I will have been the pastor at Bible Baptist for six years. In those six years, I’ve preached nearly 1,000 Bible messages. Each of those Bible messages represents hours of work studying and writing and finally delivering the word of God.

My life’s work as a pastor is the sheep God has entrusted me with. Someday I will present the people I’ve been entrusted with before the Lord. They must be my primary focus. But second only to that (and a big part of that) is my work as a Bible preacher and I want my preaching to be a blessing to people outside my church and for years to come.

I’ve always dreamed of having an online sermon library for my messages similar to what John MacArthur has at gty.org or something like wacriswell.com. But for most of us, a sermon library is way out of reach.

That’s why I’m so excited about building Simple Church Sermons. My goal with Simple Church Sermons is to give every pastor, no matter how small his church, the opportunity to share his sermons in the best possible way.

There are sermon library tools out there:

  • Many upload their sermons to a shared library like Sermonaudio.com.
  • Many more rely on some kind of sermon plugin on their church website.
  • Some people use a media hosting service like Soundcloud.com.

Let me tell you why I think Simple Church Sermons is a better option than all of these:

1. It will work with your existing website.

Simple Church Sermons is an entirely new kind of sermon library. It will not be a giant library for everyone’s sermons (like Sermon Audio) and it will not live inside of your web account (like a plugin). Rather it will be a page dedicated to your sermons (and your sermons only) that will work alongside your website. So, for example, if you are at acmebaptist.org your sermons could live at sermons.acmebaptist.org and/or you could just add a link in your menu to the sermons page and the sermons page would have links bringing you back to your website.

Doing it this way means you can have any kind of church website: Wix, Squarespace, Wordpress, or literally anything else — and still have an amazing and full-featured sermon library. It means you can update your website as much as you want without fear of messing with your sermon library. It’s the best of both worlds.

You also could use sermons without another website. You could theoretically redirect a domain like ryanhaydensermons.com to point to your simple church tools sermon library and no one would be the wiser.

2. It won’t cost you an arm and a leg.

Simple Church Tools will allow you to host all of your sermon audio files for $10 a month. Making it one of the cheapest ways to host a growing sermon library out there.

Alongside that $10 a month you will also get access to our other tools: the church prayer tool, the service planner tool and any other tools that come later on.

3. It will tie together your video sources (if you have them).

While Sermons isn’t designed to host video, if you put your sermons on youtube, Vimeo, Livestream or Facebook live (with more sources coming), Sermons will organize those videos and display them alongside your sermon content. No longer will your sermons and your service videos have to live in two different places — people can find and watch the video through your well-organized sermons page.

4. It can be as simple as you want it to be.

Over many years of making sermon websites, we’ve realized that many people don’t have the time or know-how to post manuscripts, images, handouts, etc.. So we designed Sermons to work with minimal content: just the sermon mp3 file and a little information about the sermon.

But…we also designed it to grow with you. If you want to post your manuscript — it will be beautifully formatted and searchable. If you want to post slides or a handout — there will be a place for that. Stay simple or go crazy — it will work for both cases.

5. It is super easy.

Login to Simple Church Tools. Drag & Drop your sermon mp3 file. Add some information about it. We are working on making this the easiest Sermon library tool out there. And we will be adding plenty of video tutorials (that you will never need.) Your church sound guy will have no excuses.

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Ryan Hayden
Simple Church Tools

Ryan Hayden lives in two professional worlds. He serves as the Pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Mattoon, IL and is also a web entrepreneur and web designer.