Simpsons Pinball Party Mod

Backglass LED mod

Mrs. MezelMods
Cheap Pinball Mods


Our customers frequently write to us about mods they would love to see. But one of our favorite things to see is when a customer takes one of our products and turns it into their own mod. Customer and budding video producer, Danny Wright decided to take our LED strips and add a simple mod to his Simpsons Pinball Party back backglass.

He put this great video together on the mod (Danny will work for Mezelmods trade). It probably cost no more than $5 for this mod.

To pick up the LEDs Danny used, you can buy them in rolls from We like the Supernight brand (16.4 ft roll) that comes in white, red, blue, green, purple, and yellow. Or if you prefer smaller quantities, drop by our shop to purchase LED strips in your desired color and length.



Mrs. MezelMods
Cheap Pinball Mods

Pinball entrepreneur and company owner, advocate for customer service, diversity, and inclusion. Tweets by @kbmabq