How Can Your Partner Help You Breastfeed?

Ellie’s List
Ellie’s List
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2017

You read that right! Typically, breastfeeding isn’t thought of as a team sport, but your partner can help your breastfeeding efforts in other ways. Here are three simple ways your partner can help you with breastfeeding. Once you’re done reading this, send it on over to your partner — help them help you :)

Nourishing Mom

The saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup” is never more relevant than when you are breastfeeding. Nourishing your baby requires that you are also adequately receiving nourishment. If you are not consuming enough calories, you may not be able to make enough milk for your baby. On average, breastfeeding moms need about 500 more calories/day than non-breastfeeding moms. While each mom’s caloric needs differ based on their body size and activity level, most breastfeeding moms should be consuming a minimum of 1800 calories. Check with your provider if you are worried you are not eating enough or eating too much while breastfeeding.

Consuming an extra 500 (healthy) calories a day is easier said than done when you are taking care of a newborn. Your partner can help you eat a balanced diet by preparing healthy snacks or cooking a wholesome meal. That’s just one less thing you have to worry about. If you’re having trouble planning your meals, check out Meal Train.

Bringing Baby to Breast

Those midnight feedings can be extremely tiring. While your partner may not be awake for all of them, they can bring and help position baby for feeding so you can focus your energy on breastfeeding. Splitting up feeding like this can help alleviate some of the resentment that can build during long, sleep-deprived nights. Let your partner know how best to help. Communication is important during those trying early morning hours.

Own Other Tasks

While the actual act of breastfeeding may only require one person, your partner can own other necessary tasks such as doing the dishes, laundry, cleaning and cooking. Working as a team to raise your newborn will help alleviate exhaustion and give you some time to rest before the next feeding.

Use Ellie!

Have a breastfeeding question or concern during an especially stressful or difficult feed? Have your partner take over chatting with Ellie!

Ellie helps you overcome breastfeeding challenges with information verified by experienced IBCLC’s. She’ll help you identify and treat breastfeeding challenges and even connect you to Lactation Consultants for further care. Ellie is available 24/7 over Facebook Messenger. When in doubt, check with Ellie.

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