How do we make the young generation care for the truth

Follow these 5 rules to better combat fake news.

Dávid Tvrdoň
Check Your Facts
3 min readApr 3, 2017


1) Do not lie. Never, ever, never.

2) Make your case appealing.

3) Find the right person to deliver the news.

4) Find the right way, the right platform.

5) Be passionate.

Viorel Pahomi shares his views in the second episode of the Check Your Facts podcast.

Viorel Pahomi is a political talkshow host in Moldova, a producer, actor, and media entrepreneur. We met with him at Rockit Digital Summit in Warsaw, where he had a talk.

The basic idea of his talk was this:

“Stop complaining that journalism is changing. Either deal with it — take your phone out and make some contemporary journalism, or get out and let us work!”

In the podcast he is saying that young journalists complain journalism is changing and they do not want to adapt. Viorel answers several other questions. Listen to the whole episode.

How to do journalism?

Find a platform, go there and figure it out.

How to fight against the spreading of fake news?

“You have to be more convincing, you have to be more charming, you have to use someone more beautiful or successful than that politicianor get someone who they trust more to talk [to them],” explains Viorel.

“You have to find a way to say it in such a way that they will want to listen,” he concludes.

“If people are getting the information in certain way and want to consume it in that way, if your goal is to give them information, you have to produce it that way, you have to make it appealing to them.”

How to do it right? An example from Moldova

Few years back, he had the idea to make a political show for the young generation, but it took him 2 years to find the right person, he knew je wasn’t right.

“I needed a handsome guy (they had a lot of girls youtubers at the time in Moldova), who speaks interesting, dresses nice, is trendy, fashionable and people will want to watch. Because we wanted to get the youth.”

That’s why it took off. It was a young guy, who was dressing and swearing like them. But he was talking about politics in a very funny way. In a year time it became cool to talk about politics. They got interested in that.

When producing The Duck Show they know what they want to say, but they always sit down and think of at least 10 jokes to put into the video. So that people are interested.

“If we have to trick them into giving them the true information, or if we have to make them laugh, if that is what it takes, then we will do that,” explains Viorel what is the driving force behind the Duck Show.

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Henrik Ståhl is a journalist with almost 15 years of experience, recently turned Product Owner at Bonnier News, working with the digital development of Dagens industri and Dagens Nyheter, occasionally writing articles for Dagens industri and Di Digital. He is also a Digital Identities speaker.
David Tvrdon is a journalist interested in social & new media, data journalism and journalism innovation. Now working as a product manager for online news of @DennikSme & @SME_Data.

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Dávid Tvrdoň
Check Your Facts

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