Somi Singh
Checkin App
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2018


Connecting dots while you eat.

See you out there!

Have you ever wondered how amazing it would be to discover and meet new people over a brunch? After all, food is the language of the universe, right! Wouldn’t it be fabulous to know whom you are sharing the place you are dining at with? have you ever wanted to be the most advanced and smartest party crasher? Ever felt a little misplaced at some restaurant? After a long, exhausting and not very encouraging day at work, you head to a restaurant alone to fill up a bit before you crash into your bed at home and sleep the negativity away. However, surprise! You run into an old friend there. All the pain, anguish, the bitterness of the day vanishes with the sweetness of reminiscing some old golden memories with him, accompanied with delicious and mouth-watering food. Sounds like the day savior moment, right?
Similarly, one another beautiful day you reach out to your friends, family, colleagues, you come up with a simplest of plans of a splendid dinner with your loved ones at your favourite dining place to spend some quality time. After all the hard work and preparation, driving through the busy lanes, you reach your favourite place only to walk in on a busy Saturday night with the place spilling with the crowd of the incompatible sort. Doesn’t sound very comfortable and refreshing to you? Us, neither. Therefore, we think we might have a solution to your problems. What if you can know about all the people who are in the restaurant at that time with your phone? Wouldn’t it be smart to analyze the crowd before hitting in? Our app
brings for you the perfect feature to accomplish this task.

Considering you are the tackiest, wittiest and most awesome person in your group, the devil mind of yours requires some fun and plotting? Why not plot it the Ironman style! The tech-savvy geek in you calls for some satisfaction right? So let’s no longer use the Birbal methods to know someone’s location to crash the party! The restaurant’s occupancy is already accessible to you in your super friendly phone. Also to all the hopelessly romantic people there! Do not like to be disturbed by some “relative,” “neighbour” and other mood spoilers on your golden dates? Not. So why not be better safe than sorry? Check out the people you’ll be dining with before getting your reservations done.

Also to the people still finding there someone special, wouldn’t it be nice to narrate the story of how you met the love of your life at that beautiful restaurant? We bring the new answers to all your fascinating fantasies, stay connected to all the people in the restaurant or food joint you’re going to check out beforehand and be a part of the restaurant community we are building for all the ever fantastic food lovers out there! As a wise man has once said, “ All the good memories and best decisions have been made on a table filled with delicious, tempting and savoury food!”

We have something to offer to you. Please give us a minute and fill out the form.

Finally, follow our Facebook and Instagram page. Stay tuned and stay connected to be a part of the most unique restaurant digital revolution!

