10 Best Budget Travel Tips

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2016

“Who Lives Sees, But who travels sees more”

As the quote goes, we all love to travel and explore more and more new places. Travel is always on our minds, we think of going places, but are not able to do so!Many a times, we have to cancel our trips, plans to explore places, because we think the money spent on this travel tripcan fulfill some of our other needs. But one can travel with less money too!!

Yes that is possible, here’s how!

Tips for Low budget travelling.

1. Calculating in local currency

Calculating the local currency as well as checking what locals are paying and what the average local earns, helps the traveler negotiate price.

2. Usage of local public transport

Travelling on your own wheels while renting a bike or car can be more fun and comfortable too, but it comes with a cost. Public transports not only can let you enjoy the hassle free driving or riding, but also lets you also connect with the local population, as well as enjoy your travelling experience with an ease.

3. Modesty is the best policy

Who does not like living in five star hotels? But going out of the comfort zone and looking for your own arrangements and opting for cheaper accommodation can let you curb your expenses as well as gel along with the local people so that next time when you need to travel at the same place or if your friends, colleagues or family visit the same place you can suggest them the place you stayed and help them travel at a lost cost.

4. Dare to haggle

We all are not born hagglers, but in most parts of the world, it is very much normal to bargain for prices, after all this can come only through respect and a bit of humor in it and most important the connect with the locals. This makes the deals acceptable and beneficial for both the parties.

5. Avoiding the peaks

Travelling outside the peak season assures you of a broader range of accommodation, a stronger negotiating position and less congestion at all those special sites you want to visit. Always read up on the local weather. In some cases, the peak season may actually be the best time to visit a country or not. Europe is a classic example, with hordes of tourists arriving in summer, while spring and autumn are actually better travel seasons.

6. Avoiding taxis

We often face this situation if we were to visit a new place. Taxi driver comes with a price tag for outsiders in their own city or district and try to take the tourists on a real good ride. Hence, avoid taxis if you can. It’s always more fun to explore on your own two legs. And if you’re going long distance, you can always rely on local railways, buses, trams or whatever the locals are using to get around.

7. Splitting costs

While traveling to places where you have less options for accommodation or need to head to a remote place, one can always opt for on-the-spot arrangements and look for people who want to do the same and are willing to split costs, trust us this can save a lot of money as well as you never know you can make friends for life.

8. Loads of picnic places

Exploring a city, one can go to a local shop, buy whatever takes your fancy, head out to nice spot nearby, something with a great view or lovely setting, and have a picnic!

9. Looking for online arrangements

To get tips and to have a general idea of your travel place, one can always check for internet forums for information and seek what other people were paying when they traveled there,and hence find practical tips that can make your travel cheaper.

10. Forget the daily budget

While on travel your daily budget may vary depending on your needs and comfort. Hence,one can check if ATMs are available locally at your travel destination,so that you can get hold of cash or you need to carry cash as some countries still do not accept cards. Stressing about the budget while you’re on your dream holiday, is the last thing we want.

The main purpose of any travel or adventure is to enjoy it. Sometimes while traveling that special site or that great restaurant that you wanted to visit or try can be more expensive than you’d anticipated.

You need to ask yourself, will I ever be back here again? And will I later regret not doing it? If the answer to the second question is “yes, probably”, then don’t hesitate to do whatever you had mind.


