11 Accessories To Carry While Travelling…

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2016

Travel is fun with company but accessories are the things that make travel the best!

Check out some accessories to carry while travelling-

1.Needed currency,₹,$,€,£ !!!!

Money is the most essential thing while travelling! It makes everything easy. Eat, shop, hang out, go sightseeing…Do everything you wish, just with a sweet smile and pay some bills!

2. Best Music possible!

Travel buddy, travel companion and travel savior! Good music will have a huge effect on your journeys. Pump it, jazz it or rock it! Good Music=Good Travel!

3. Click!

Your camera! How else are you going to capture the best moments & memories, the picturesque sights & people without a camera! One awesome camera and you will live your trip forever!

4. Power!

If there is one thing that will destroy your travel experience is the lack of power to your darling devices. Be it your phone, your camera or tablet. So make sure all your devices have enough power or you have USB power supply.

5. Good Read

What makes a long journey fun and relaxing is a good read. A good read will make you travel places within your travel. Always carry a good book or a Kindle, fully charged!

6. Variety of Clothes

The best thing of travelling to new places is to get out of your usual places and be in the sun or snow. Beach or hills. Be it anything, you need to be prepared for every place. Sudden climate change is a possibility you cannot ignore. Hence a variety of clothes is a must!

Image Source: www.pixabay.com

7. Sun Protection

The heat may feel magnificent. But it may cause sun burn or some other damage. You don’t want to ruin your trip because of skin complaints. Wherever you go, carry a good sun block and travel to the fullest!

8. Wet and Dry Tissues

A man’s best friend! A couple of tissues. To get you out of any unpleasant situation, do carry a box of wet and dry tissues wherever you go! You surely won’t regret it.

9. Carry extra Luggage, if need be

It’s always advisable to carry one or two add on bags while travelling. In case of Undone laundry or if you buy new stuff on your trip, you can dump it in your extra luggage and travel in peace!

10. Water and Snacks

This is a must! In case of any emergencies or not, make sure you have clean water and fresh snacks. They will help you maintain your energy levels and make your experience much more enjoyable!

11. Who are you?

If you want nobody to ask you this question or don’t want any problems whatsoever, carry identification with you! Carrying a passport is the most ideal practice for any international trip!

With all these things in your bag, nobody can stop you from having the best experience of your life!!!

