6 Reasons To Do River Rafting At least Once In A Lifetime..

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
3 min readMay 16, 2016

Rafting is the to-do sport when you see gushing water and colorful rafts. The most unbelievable rush you will get after a ride of the roller coaster in the gushing water! Without rafting, a trek in the Himalayas is so drag…Here are some reasons to hop on a raft at least once in a lifetime!

1. You get an amazing view

Rafting makes sure you get a picturesque view of the water, greenery, and the mountains. The river usually lies between two mountains and takes care of giving you a splendid view of the nature around.

You surely don’t need a DSLR to capture the view, your eyes are enough!

2. Incredible Adrenaline Rush

When you experience a bump every thirty seconds in the raft, you experience the awesome adrenaline rush. With every crazy wave in the river you get an adrenaline rush like never before.

Redbull and Monster drinks have no place here… A raft is enough!

3. Swell up on all kinds of emotions

The waves in the river make the raft go ten feet up and down. That’s when you feel the joy, fear, adrenaline, excitement and hilarity at the same time! That is a lot of emotions to feel in a single moment.

Have you heard, ‘Rafting is either a daring adventure or nothing!’

4. Make some of the best memories

You laugh like crazy, you yell like crazy, you get scared like crazy when you are rafting. That is the best mix of emotions to make some of the best memories. Rafting will always linger on your mind.

So don’t forget to carry a water proof camera with you!

5. Dip in the water and lose yourself

There comes a kind of safe zone wherein you dip in the chilling waters of the Himalayan Rivers. You feel weightless and the utmost content with your life. Every awesome feeling will creep over and you will lose yourself in the water.

Immerse your worries in the water and feel them drift away!

6. Rejuvenate yourself like never before

After the craziness of a fulfilling raft ride, you will be in seventh heaven. Grinning ear to ear and feeling heavy with adrenaline rush and the most refreshed and rejuvenated.

No sweat and still you glow! Facial, the natural way!

Now how about looking for the upcoming raft rides!!!

Know about the rafting gear here

