7 Unbelievable Places You Should Visit Before You Die ….

Checkin Story
Checkin Story
Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2016

“Unbelievable”, “bizarre”, “surreal”, “dreamlike”, “out of this world”… These are just a few words you can’t help using to describe the places featured here. A lot of this scenery resembles something out of a surrealist painting. Some of this awesome imagery looks like scenes from sci-fi films. Many of them give you the feeling that they are images captured from another world.

I firmly believe you must visit these truly amazing locations before you die.

1) Salar De Uyuni — Bolivia

Salar De Uyuni is the largest salt plant in the world. During the rainy season in Bolivia, it turns into a gigantic mirror. Its span is so huge and reflective that it is actually used for the calibration of satellites. The Salar was formed through the centuries after several prehistoric lakes joined together to form one humongous body of water.

2) Sea of Stars, Vaadhoo Island — Maldives

During daylight, it looks like any other beach, but once the sun goes down this place comes to life! It turns into a spectacular sight at night. The bioluminescent plankton look like hundreds of bright stars glistening like a starry sky as the night grows old.

3) Tianzi Mountains — China

These uniquely tall and thin mountains are so alien-like that they were used in James Cameron’s “Avatar.” Formed underwater 380 million years ago, the flow destroyed surrounding sandstone, leaving only resilient stone pillars. Some of the columns have reached over 4,000 feet above sea level.

4) The Antelope Canyon, Arizona — United States.

Rainwater during monsoon season runs into the basin above the slot canyon sections, and speeds up with sand rushing into the narrow passageways. For hundreds of years the passageways eroded, turning the corridors deeper and smoothing its hard edges to form beautiful “flowing” lines on the rock.

5) Deadvlei — Namibia

Artists would be inspired by these photos. Yes, it’s hard to believe, but these are not surrealist paintings. These are photos of the “Dead Valley” in Namibia. Perhaps the scorching heat killed all life in this former forest? It’s now a dry desert.

6) Santorini — Greece

Who would have thought that an island devastated by a volcanic eruption in the 16th century would become a beautiful and popular place for tourists? That’s exactly what happened to Santorini. These pictures above say it better than any “1,000 words” you could ever come up with.

7) Red Beach, Panjin — China.

Let’s talk about a phenomena that causes a beach to turn bloody red. It’s brought about by a type of seaweed called Sueda. This rare seaweed starts growing in April and May. It stays green all summer, but when autumn comes, it turns vivid red. If you are tired visiting blue beaches, this is definitely a unique beach to check. It’s one of the places you really must see for myself before you die.

Go soak in these magnificent wonders and keep travelling….

