Checkin Story Podcasts And Me šŸŽ™šŸ™Œ

Shrutee Dikondaa
Checkin Story
Published in
7 min readJul 30, 2016

Sometimes the best things happen accidentally. Well thatā€™s right, I was a simple content writer and a social media manager who rather diligently liked to talk a lot šŸ˜¬ (and still do) and then one day all of sudden in a bus ride back home I get a call from Pratik Gandhi(for those who have been living under a rock- he is the co-founder) ā€œyou wanted to be an RJ right?ā€ the moment I heard this question, thoughts of various intensity and category started appearing (read: attacking) my brainā€¦ what?ā€¦ Is he suggesting me to join a radio channel?ā€¦ what is he getting at?ā€¦ Oh damn is he going to fire me as a content writer?-cause letā€™s face it I am not that great of a writer, in my defense I was an engineer not that engineers canā€™t write but thatā€™s a debate for some other day- and then he took a deep breath(or thatā€™s what I assumed happened since the signal was really weak..remember I am still in the bus) and he said ā€œhow about ā€¦ *drum roll* (yes I am used to a lot of background music in my head) we do a podcast series for Checkin Story with you as the host?ā€ā€¦ I guess I probably started dancing salsa in my head( a weird one though).. and I instantly said yes, little did I know about the amazing things lying ahead.

Along with Soham and Pratik (the Co-founders) I had this amazing journey where we worked together to build up a kick-ass community of these amazing travel lovers ā€¦ the community which is still growing!

So to be honest I have no idea how to describe this crazy ride with this amazing venture but I am going to try my best to not put it in a chronologically messed up orderā€¦

So hereā€™s a run through the experiences and the podcasts I had with these gorgeous and inspiring travel crazy folks.

Melvin Bocher

In spite of having an intimidating profile (CEO of traveldudes, COO of I ambassador and loads of other positions) he was very easy to work with, in fact very friendly. Owing to the fact that this was my first podcast ever I was scared out of my guts but he did make it easy for me.

Nicolette Orlemans

This podcast was one of my favorites due to the instant bond we both formed and the connect is clearly seen (I mean heard) in the episode. In spite of being busy in her job of being a communication strategist(which she rocks) she finds time to follow her passion-travel, and isnā€™t that what we ought to do with life? not let our passion die no matter whatā€¦ She is lovely and the podcast vouches for it (so go listen now)

Kim Cohen

During my research prior to the podcast, I couldnā€™t stop running through her gorgeous pictures. The beautiful nature and she fabulously dressed alongside that, is in every sense picturesque! Her crazy travel tales pretty much summed up for a great podcast. The best part ā€” loads of travel tips.

Supriya Sehgal

Sometimes you develop an instant liking towards the folks who simply make your task super easy. Supriya, for me, was one of them. Right from formulating the questions to writing the blog, she helped me out in everything *major awww*. She is an avid traveler and also a great author (brownie points there).

Aparna Shejwalkar

There are people who just emit great vibes and I could sense those as I had an opportunity to actually meet this travel bug in person. I loved listening to her crazy road trip experiences so much so that I actually started chalking out plans with my girls. Her stories were super fun and no wonder her episode is one of the most played one.

Tarun Gupta

Well I had loads of fun in this Podcast. His disturbingly charming personality and super fun nature might come off as intimidating in the beginning but he does have this fluid flair of making you super comfortable in the endeavors concerning him(or even in general). Filled up with corny jokes (that I am not supposed to mention*winks*) and some crazy adventure stories (that you will love from the podcast*smiles*) this rendezvous was exuberant in every sense.


When I was their age I was busy figuring out how to do my homework or tie my shoelaces. These girls are definitely exemplary. I thought it would be difficult handling the things since I expected a chaotic podcast(what else could you expect when you get three teenage girls to talk about the thing they love) but these young ladies were so methodical along with keeping the fun part intact (now thatā€™s quite difficult to pull off). I wasnā€™t surprised when this one became the top played podcast on the channel.

Siddhartha Joshi

Thereā€™s definitely this ā€˜cool-dudeā€™ aura around him that you just canā€™t miss. Yes, I had the opportunity to meet this delightful man who happens to be one of the Indiaā€™s top travel blogger. Well, not to mention that modesty was at its peak during our conversation but isnā€™t it the virtue of the big ones? being modestā€¦ This podcast ranges from talks about couples travelling*winks* to talks about his dream campaign and many of his travel stories.

Amrita Das

There is an innate lively spirit that gets stirred up in Amrita when certain subjects are broached. Example- Mountains- the very talk about these gigantic structures totally lit her up and was so inspiring that it even changed my outlook towards them. Itā€™s true that sincere passion makes a person awesome and awesome she wasā€¦ proof- podcast!

Ankita Sinha

One word ā€” ā€˜live-wireā€™-It describes this magnetic lady so aptly! She has got this intense chirpy energy that can just lit up any place and thatā€™s so visible in her style of writing and her travel stories too. Evidence? ā€” her blog ( I could feel the energy across that Skype call as well). No wonder she told her tales in the most gripping style and then there were these cute giggles that followed. Guys hereā€™s a podcast worth listening to. (Best Part ā€” She loves beer too *high five*)

Anamika Mishra

The moment I come to know somebody is an author they gain this extra respect in my heart. It was very refreshing interacting with Anamika. This podcast is definitely a treat for all those writers who are travelers.

Gunnar Garfors

Not every day you get to speak with Guinness Record holders and this was my first time. He holds not one but two records and boy was he humble! He has the ability to give a unique tone to his tales with his smashing persona and narrates them in the most engaging way. I was hooked. I still giggle every time I remember his Turkmenistan tale. Listen up to the podcast and you will know why. *giggles again*

Rutavi Mehta

And then there are people from whom you get to learn so much. Rutaviā€™s passion, the dedication, the ā€˜never-say-dieā€™ attitude, the zeal is so galvanizing and inspiring to the core. Be it the mount Everest story, or the rickshaw-run episode or even the railway station anecdote ā€” each bit of that portrays her love for the thing that she loves and does the best- traveling! You will have to listen to the podcast to actually experience the amazing essence.( you will thank me later)

Will Hatton

If I were even half a.) as sexy as him b.)as fun as him c.) as enthusiastic and energetic as him or even d.) as adventurous as him, I would have had my head floating way above my shoulders. I wonder how do people stay so grounded and humble in spite of having these qualities in ample amounts! From his tuk-tuk story to his talks about getting tattooed continuously for hours(ouch!) to the chat about dating while traveling*smirks* to budget traveling, blogging tips to discussing crazy house parties- this episode definitely perked up the term ā€˜crazy- funā€™ to the next level.

Natasha Vakil

Our first Airbnb host made ā€˜hostingā€™ sound so much fun that even I thought of getting into it. (no kidding guys, listen to this podcast and you will get me). This beautiful lady is quite a cheerful soul (her guests would surely vouch for it). Stories of her visit to Istanbul and her travel experiences are worth listening to. Someday I would love to meet her dogs- Nutmeg & Cinnamon- (yes I loved the names too).

Michelle Varghese

Love could be influential and her love was influential, hold on before you conclude anything let me tell you I am not talking about ā€˜romanticā€™ love (Gosh movies!) I am talking about the love we have for a place or thing ā€¦ Michelleā€™s love for Japan and Japanese food made me want to book a ticket to the place right away .. (only if my boss gives me an off). After listening to this episode I bet even you would feel the same!! Besides she was so much fun to talk to .. *hugs*

Hanisha Lalwani

Hailing from Nigeria this Indian girl got me hooked to her travel tales. She has actually lived the amalgamation of two cultures and that binds us to her storiesā€¦ know it for yourself hereā€¦


So this was all about my guests. If not for Checkin Story I donā€™t think, I would ever have had the opportunity to meet these supercalifragilisticexpialidocious people. (So wanted to use that word somewhere, oh but I mean it) šŸ˜›. I was not a traveler in the very sense but the stories of these amazing folks made into one.

Never thought I would be doing this someday, well I didnā€™t even know what exactly podcast meant when I was a kid (hey donā€™t judge my vocab). Never thought that my insane liking towards ā€˜talking a lotā€™ or my desire to become an RJ someday would land me up in this. The research regarding these travelers, connecting to them, making questions(which is not easy), conducting the podcast, trying to maintain the flow and not stammer or freak out or say something stupid (like I always do)when the recording starts is what I am learning and I am loving it, every bit of it! ā¤ļø



Shrutee Dikondaa
Checkin Story

Busy scribbling random stuff or playing with the curls when not dancing! Twitter- @shruteedikonda , Instagram- @shruti_dikonda